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Everything posted by Gammenon

  1. I'd say Seattle. The hawks have shown to be able to turn it up a notch in the post season. Green Bay with Rodgers qb'ing has shown a similar ability in the past but they really need to be playing at home to have any chance against the Cowboys.
  2. NBA: Jordan NFL: Randall Cunningham Boxing: Roy Jones Jr. MLB: Jeter UFC: Connor MCGregor Tennis: Serena Williams or Andre Agassi
  3. Wish I would've saw this a few weeks ago...but my bowl mania entries got decimated anyways.
  4. The Giants are starting to play like they're sunbathing on a yacht or something. ;D
  5. Lol...next time just say they're a Slavic cuisine.
  6. You guys Mine Whater Soda It's just a regional thing that took me by surprise when i first heard it, but a lot of people in central PA say "yuns" instead of "you all". They also pronounce "creek" as "chik", although that became a legitimate pronuciation sometime recently.
  7. I don't know, man. Crazy people are pretty formiable...and dude looks like he's a few cans short of a six pack.
  8. That was the gift that kept on giving.
  9. I think stuff like this has caused me grief in the past but what the heck... PSN: ultron860
  10. Gammenon

    Vidya Game Music

  11. Gammenon

    Vidya Game Music

  12. Gammenon

    Vidya Game Music

  13. Well, to some, perception is reality.
  14. Yeah for me, the dramatic change from old gen to new gen was the 8-bit/16-bit and the 16-bit/32-bit transitions. I still remember being blown away seeing a display showing Battle Arena Toshinden being played at a local movie/videogame rental place way back.
  15. Yeah I don't remember how much it was when I priced Kill la Kill's bluray version at Rightstuf a few months ago but when I did, I was like,"Yikes, maybe I won't be buying that..."
  16. Loved the first movie, can't wait for this one. I wonder who the villain will be.
  17. Doctor Strange....9/10.
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