I'd say Seattle. The hawks have shown to be able to turn it up a notch in the post season. Green Bay with Rodgers qb'ing has shown a similar ability in the past but they really need to be playing at home to have any chance against the Cowboys.
You guys
It's just a regional thing that took me by surprise when i first heard it, but a lot of people in central PA say "yuns" instead of "you all". They also pronounce "creek" as "chik", although that became a legitimate pronuciation sometime recently.
Yeah for me, the dramatic change from old gen to new gen was the 8-bit/16-bit and the 16-bit/32-bit transitions. I still remember being blown away seeing a display showing Battle Arena Toshinden being played at a local movie/videogame rental place way back.
Yeah I don't remember how much it was when I priced Kill la Kill's bluray version at Rightstuf a few months ago but when I did, I was like,"Yikes, maybe I won't be buying that..."