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Everything posted by zombieninjakitten

  1. Buying bras sucks! I could spend that money on video games and stuff! Lol I wish I could have my boobs ripped out like I did my lady bits!
  2. All of my clothes come from Walmart and thrift stores. I’m pretty butch but I like girlie bras. Walmart has inexpensive girlie bras that are strong enough to hold up these two large boulders! Lol
  3. No worries! I wear lousy Walmart panties and/boxers. 😎
  4. The only thing wrong with this picture is there needs to be a pair of black lacy panties wrapped around said object of desire. 😉☺️😜
  5. Yeah, I’ve heard that about cider too. I can’t drink now due to health reasons but I used to drink Angry Orchard and it never made me feel sick or hung over like other alcoholic beverages. Then again, I was always a lightweight and never drank too many bottles. Glad you’re feeling okay and that you had a fun night!
  6. How ya feeling today? Should I bring you some Gatorade? 😎
  7. May I take a moment to probe your psyche and ask, “what do you see in this picture?” or alternatively, “what does this remind you of?”
  8. Then I must concede, Sir, to accept your arm as we stroll through the boards in true friendship.
  9. Oh you think so? How do you propose we settle this?
  10. Those movies are awesome! I haven’t seen the third one yet but I own the first two. At first, I had a difficult time with the scene where they kill his puppy (I can’t watch scenes where animals are murdered or tortured) but now I just skip over it. Anyway, I just love them! My favorite action movie series are: The Transporter, Death Race and John Wick. 😎
  11. My dentist told me that the older toothpaste brands like Pepsodent, AIM, Gleem, Ultrabrite, etc. are actually just as good as the expensive Crest and Colgate brands because the latter just overload the ingredients with mint and more mint. Then they label it as having some great function like ultra whitening and stuff. Since my family were poor I grew up on Pepsodent which I still use and buy at the dollar store for $1. lol
  12. Oh indeed so because I have such a strong desire to make sweet sweet love 💕 to him.
  13. For some I find everything you say funny.
  14. Well I was smitten.
  15. Actually, she does have a point.
  16. What else can I say, everyone is gay...
  17. Ya know, before I ever saw a pic of you I had this mental image of what you looked like and this was it! Lol. Why do men always have beautiful hair? I’m jealous hottie. 😎
  18. I’m not sure exactly how old she was but she became an internet celebrity in 2010.
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/17/business/media/grumpy-cat-dead.html
  20. lol Aw, now I feel bad. I’m really not that shallow. Nice to meet you.
  21. Okay, I literally took this five minutes after I woke up from a nap. I am au natural. So much so you can see my chin whiskers starting to sprout. So come on everyone, I know you all want some of this, there’s enough to go around. ******Deleted the pic because it was really really horrible. Sorry!******
  22. Well, I’ve played it for a couple of hours and it’s a beautiful game and I enjoy the fight scenes but I just don’t think it’s my cup of tea. I think I’m probably going to return it and exchange for this Ninja Gaiden game I’ve kind of had my eye on.
  23. I have a habit of speeding but that is crazy. Not to mention irresponsible. Smh
  24. Yeah, I know but it’s an expensive habit. I’m sure your convenience store coffee isn’t that costly. Hmm, this was kind of a super lame thread. Thanks for treating it with respect. lol.
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