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Everything posted by zombieninjakitten

  1. EVERYONE can be a dick at times. EVERYONE can act like a dick sometimes. Admitting that, yeah, I was kinda a dick shows compassion and humility. And that takes balls!
  2. I make good iced, sweet tea. I have to use Splenda but I bet you would never be able to tell the difference. 😛
  3. Tonight I made my first cuppa hot tea from a K-cup. I’ve been skeptical that such a thing could in any way be good to drink but my sister brought some Bigelow English Breakfast tea ones back fro her vacation. Let me tell you that I will forever savior that first sip! Absolutely delicious! And this coming from a tea purist!
  4. Not everyone with bpd meets those two criteria. I’m actually bipolar with bpd and ptsd. *shrug*
  5. Sorry, psychology is a field of interest of mine.
  6. More Borderline Personality Disorder type behavior. Not meant as judgment just through observing posts and threads on the boards. Bipolar and BPD are commonly comorbid but very different.
  7. I was always academic about sucking dick. Back in my early 30s when I actually had a sex drive and went through a bit of a “slutty” phase I took it upon myself to perfect the act of fellatio. I didn’t love it but I wasn’t like, “omg that’s gross!” either. I actually identified as a lesbian but whatever dude, I’d suck a dick, no big deal. After my hysterectomy a few years ago I lost all enjoyment in any sexual act of any kind with anyone in general. Even though I am Pan I am essentially asexual. I haven’t even masturbated in almost 8 years. TMI yes, and I apologize. Katt and I just cuddle (kidding, just seeing if she reads this. I’m evil. But, I digress). I once thought I was this badass cocksucking dyke. Turns out I am not badass nor a cocksucker. Aw yes, I also remember having a vast series of encounters with dudes who had absolutely rancid, cheesedick. Do grown cis-males have some issue with washing their genitalia? Anyway, that’s my contribution I guess.
  8. Madonna, I have loved you since I was 10 and my mom bought me the little 45 record of Lucky Star. I would play it over and over again on my little Smurfs record player. I was true to you for the of my life and I will continue to be so, but your new album “Madame X” is just awful. What were you thinking? Drop the pretense and just be Madonna. You don’t have to try and compete. You’re Madonna!
  9. Oh, a little better just get tired easily and have these coughing fits but no more fever as far as I can tell.
  10. Oh don’t worry, I’m doing all of the above! Tea, warm showers, and meds seem to be helping. I feel better today I just get tired easily, and winded which causes a coughing fit.
  11. The classic anime has been added to Tubi’s collection. It’s dubbed but at least you can watch it for free! https://tubi.tv/video/478276
  12. There are the cutest bunnies in my yard under my window. Two of them are so small and adorable and then there is mama watching over them. I put some bread and I opened a can of carrots for them last night. Things like this remind me that there is beauty in the world and life isn’t always so bleak and painful. I wish I could get closer to take some pictures.
  13. I believe it’s going to be rather fun. I bought a couple of water pistols at the Dollar Tree and I’m going to fill them with water and glitter and @katt_goddess and I are going to drive around glittering bombing people and yelling Happy Pride Month!
  14. It will help your tummy, feel good on your throat, relax you and basically cure everything that is going wrong with your rotting corpse of your body. It’s usually $2.78 at Walmart but right now the Dollar Tree has it for a $1 so I bought a whole case!
  15. Have any of you read any of Cassandra Clare’s novels: The Infernal Devices Series, The Shadowhunters Series? They’re YA fiction but absolutely amazing! I’m giving a book review of The Clockwork Angel at the local library next week. I definitely recommend these books 📚!
  16. I went to the walk-in clinic today and apparently I have pneumonia again. I’m coughing up a lung, my chest hurts when I breathe, my whole body is in pain and I’m too broke to go to Starbucks. Please pity me.
  17. I hate wearing a bra but I have a bad back and I want be flat chested if I’m feeling male. I used to wish I had huge knockers when I was young like GGG cups lol! I’m still jealous of Katt’s boobs though. lol
  18. Okay, here is a picture of my rack. Seriously, it’s nonexistent.
  19. I want to first of all clarify that my boobs aren’t that big. Just a DD cup. But, I wear bras and clothes to minimize the appearance of my breasts or bras that bind them so I can pass as more androgynous. Anyway, over the past couple of years I’ve noticed that when I run Dow to the local convenience stores and I’m too lazy to wear a bra the men working there will often give me thing: free drink refills, free slices of pizza, free whatever and I catch them staring at my rack. Keep in mind my boobs are floppy and saggy so WTF gives? Any theories would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Yeah, I’ve gained about 40lbs. since I was put on Seroquel three years ago. It doesn’t make me eat more per se it just facilitates the cravings for carbs. I’m thinking of asking my doctor to switch me to Abilify or Geodon which are more weight gain neutral.
  21. Me first thing in the in morning. Well, first thing in the afternoon since I don’t do mornings.
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