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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. 🍬Candy🍬


    who hurt you, sawdy?
  2. Right. So theres no reason to be mad or sad over it
  3. i guess. it just stupid for him to be that way cuz he got eerrvythang... evrrythang?? yes.. evrrythang!!
  4. not me. i am all about cumming on some white dick haha!
  5. isnt it? i really dont get why i seem to have a knack for it lol. .. like when in my life did someone sit me down and teach me all this stuff? when i was learning it in training it was extremely easy to understand it was like it was coming back to me. it was eerie but yah.. its not a savings account... it earns 3%... sitting there and not reporting overpayments to the IRS is extremely illegal... part of the reason is to prevent money laundering.. (criminal activity in which criminals try to make dirty money appear clean)
  6. no. you can put lots of money in it and what earns interest isnt taxable to your beneficiaries
  7. you cannot put all the money you want into a universal life policy. it causes it to MEC or become a modified endowment contract and will then be taxable by the IRS agents will fight you to the death over MEC policies individuals just dont understand it and arent willing to accept that they cant keep paying whatever they want i say its because its not a saving account where you can hide away all the money you want.. its a life insurance policy what i think i will start saying is this "at the rate you are paying, you will have paid more into the policy than it is worth".... How's that sound? yah.. i think thats good!!
  8. do u have a college degree? business admin??
  9. if its any consolation, he's still miserable
  10. i wanna talk ab out it but im not posting where it is cuz people here dox and will probably call the job and try to get me fired. thats how sad they are lol
  11. Right? I dont get having weave and shit that cant be pulled so you can feel it pulling off your scalp... its soo hhaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwt
  12. thats one thing ive never done....yet all the guys i work with are either really old or teenagers. and theres something wrong with teenagers these days... they are just ... off
  13. thats not walmart but not dollar general either we sell GOOD stuff cheap.. i think the best deal to cross my register was little girl church dresses for $2.99 we have online pickup and people place orders with us when they cant find stuff anywhere else. i hate online pickup because my coworkers never put people stuff in the right place making me looking inept LOL we have a garden center and a car key maker and icees.. .its awesome. we have a rewards program that gives cash back. i had a customer buy $500 and get it all for free under the rewards.
  14. i love dollar general and family dollar and am always finding stuff in them that i cant find other places. my coolest find was a really nice vampire like top with reinforcements from dollar general for only $10. i would have willing paid $50 for that top! it was perfect for halloween or when i wanna look really sexy.
  15. ok im off tonite .. i do it when i get home!!!
  17. u kno the people i dont like here i dont post in their threads lol
  18. does anyone remember the Flan episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch?
  19. i wasnt. just couldnt.. had no desire to
  20. i sleep well last nite. im just thankful i didnt experience any kind of crash
  21. can you explain what you mean by inside it in detail please
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