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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. How can u afford 6 meals a day?
  2. Im definitely going to work. I bet nothing but complete psychos will be calling in.
  3. That child was making a break for it.
  4. You have weak girly stomach.
  5. They make me happy
  6. I like the tortino supreme but i can only find them in stock on the rich side of town
  7. You know the episode where Quagmire admits to being in love with Lois and Brian (i think) tells him to just repress and ignore those feelings? That's my entire life. But like with every man ive ever had feelings for. Nevermind it was lois herself
  8. There wasn't much to say.
  9. Here it is @Mix https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rap-up.com/2009/09/26/mashondas-open-letter-to-alicia-keys/amp/
  10. It was still pretty gangsta. Oh oh...the lady wrote an editorial during it all publicly asking for Alicia to leave her husband alone. I wonder if i can still find it. Brb
  11. I can't help it.
  12. "Alicia stole somebody husband" and other such foolishness.
  13. Ooooohhh yes they did!
  14. Say it to my face.
  15. I know i know. But alas...i can dream.
  16. Life=complete And damn..thats all it takes? Mmmaaannnn..imma get some weave and lashes and school that bitch
  17. I wanna see her rapping lol
  18. Madison did this up to age 4
  19. I gotta do more of the cleaning. I vacuumed for madison (shes supposed to do it) and was sweating profusely, had to take breaks, and almost died. I dont know if its the meds or if im really that fucking out of shape.
  20. Drink a bunch of ice water. Ice water is always good. I had to eat something like a real meal because my muscle felt all fatigued.
  21. LOL shut up scoob. Like you haven't seen the Disney's at the yearly big charity event. Probably spit out wine with them or whatever weird shit you rich people do.
  22. I had the tiniest bit of chinese today and right at this moment i can feel it expanding my thighs....i wanna dieeee... Back on the grind tomorrow.
  23. You sound so rich and sophisticated in this post.
  24. Arent you rich? That means you already bought the ticket. Please stop in Carolina for me and madison..we want to go too!
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