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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. The meal kit came out great. Everyone ate theirs. The pond at the park was broken and had been drained. It looked like a sewage dump so we left and went to Starbucks instead Now im home catching up on my dvr, bored as fuck!
  2. Im sorry. Ive been there!
  3. When i was a kid it seemed like time was crawling and that it took my parents forever to do things when we would go out. Now i ask my daughter how she feels about the passing of time and she complains that the days go by too quickly Theres a bible verse that says in the endtimes time will go by much faster lol but i dont wanna say thats true. I think having phones all the time and shit makes time go by quicker cuz back in the day we didnt have as much hands on
  4. Athena posted about it yesterday saying its really good lol now i must have it!
  5. I read most of all the twilight books. The last one was so bad i didn't even finish it
  7. Me? Getting the girl waxed then going to the park. The meal kit athena gave me arrived this morning. Might make that for lunch. No definitely making that for lunch. I NEED IT IN MY BELLY NOW! What about you?
  8. Warm Wet What male bug wouldn't want to enter that eye?
  9. Look motherfucker you had his dick in the icon. Whatd u expect?
  10. Never happen. Shes everything i ever wanted.
  11. She will be focusing full time on her art. With art theres something new going on with her everyday. Now she is designing her own halloween costume. Wrote out the...clothing design? Blueprint thingy herself and had me take her to the craft store for supplies. She is bending copper for the headmask. It looks pretty cool but i have learned its a waste of time posting pics for you people
  12. Shes obviously putting them in the oven
  13. Yah fuck Thursdays. I have appointments all next week. I think ill just take the whole day off. A customer kept me late today complaining about his moms death certificate was a sealed one but our records show its not. I was on hold for a claim examiner only to find out they close at 5 so i have to start my week off talking to him first thing Monday. He was screaming at another rep but kept his cool with me but im still not looking forward to it because i dont think theyll do shit.
  14. Ha nice u got a cancellation I wish Yesterday was horrible for me too because i was working on a tiny ass laptop when i have a 40 inch screen at work then the most important database i use wasnt working and i had to beg for help. I have never been closer to quitting than i was yesterday. Never again.
  15. Its not just you! I said the same today OMG
  16. The cats are cold blooded killers amd they bring animals to the door as a gift for my mom If my mom sweeps it off the porch they just bring it back so we gotta bury things
  17. Oh i definitely thought bandit understood English very well. He was my favorite cat out of all my cats. He was my sweetheart and he worshipped me. I miss him so much. But this video put the nail in the coffin for me that animals understand what we are saying. Did you eat my shoes? Did you do it? LOL
  18. I am infamous and widely known at work for my ridiculous amount of pooping. Not so much lately because of fasting but theres this one girl who hates going in the bathroom after me and one time i heard her scream LOL
  19. Oh man i am so jealous! Now if it was APC id be ultra jealous. Post pics.
  20. Wow. I had a 2% red nosed piggie in Summerville, SC say "ok so this is your car!" after i gave him my papers and all i was driving was a saturn sl2. Fuck them. Lisa is great and always finds the best deals. Shes gotten me into baseball games for free and on my birthday she got me unlimited games at Daves and Busters. First and probably only time in my life i sat and beat an arcade game.
  21. Haha! One time i took too long to feed my cat bandit and he got pissed and got on my dresser and proceeding to knock everything off with his paws I only let that happen once
  22. She did it because shes a bitch and thought my mom wasn't putting her food out fast enough
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