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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. One of those brushes with heat?
  2. ?? So you're saying go ahead and flat iron it?
  3. Cuz the only thing he loves more than himself and sex is the fucking air force
  4. No dont apologize. He had it coming. He shouldn't have even bothered you.
  5. Right. Down with the status quo
  6. Hes not talking to me prolly cuz @CutieQuesadillahurt his wittle feelings
  7. Black girls? @Vamped @SorceressPol
  8. My flat iron sucks anyway. Need to get the $70 one from sephora. But until then...do u think i can rock this look?its just blow dried. Also...ignore ugly green shirt. Dont even know where it came from.
  9. 2nd minimum wage job on the weekends
  10. I dont know how to wrap enchiladas right but i was too tired and too hungry to take a pic. Madison ate it so it apparently didnt look that bad. Tasted sooo good!
  11. Omg armageddon hurry up
  12. Hot summer sc kitchen Thermostat stuck on 78 Much sweat Almost died Mexican bliss!
  13. On my days off when i was like u I cleaned Drank cocktails Lost time posting Watched movies Watched porn Called people over and fucked them Ahh i miss those days
  14. Ok wallow in misery so bad you cant get out of bed and u starve to death Happy now?
  15. I said none of those things. I have bipolar and hundreds of hours of therapy and even hospitalizations to back up what i just said Mmkay?
  16. Positive thinking helps cure anxiety
  17. 🙄 And so it begins. I keep taking all this time off from my job and they still let me hang around. Im trying to work a full week next week.maybe go to one doctors appt. But should leave u alone because im just like u. Every Friday i wait for them to fire me for using all this fmla. They dont and i go home on friday like YES!. My issues are settling down so im going to stop taking so much time so im not freaking out every week. I got an email from my manager this week telling me to use my sick time...heart dropped...life flashed before my eyes...but it was no big deal I kinda want them to fire me cuz im sick of being there in so many ways Just be thankful to have a job at all in the end
  18. You did i9 and badge...dont be ridiculous
  19. Sounds like more pressure. Are cubicles a good thing? Mine was triggering me today because my coworkers wouldn't stfu
  20. I dont see u pulling this look off without looking extremely gay. And hilarious.
  21. i hope you like it but you probably wont.. knowing u
  22. lol.. so you dont get any time off to slack off huh well im glad we now have a new job to read all about
  23. hes completely lost it folks. we need this day was coming.
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