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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Says the grown man still paying fines and court fees
  2. Dumb motherfucker can’t remember to renew his tags.
  3. Im not easy..men are. I can count with my fingers men ive wanted but couldn't get. Every man i like i had or eventually have. Aaalllllll of them.
  4. Where are you getting these lol
  5. No he didnt. He was always grumpy and distant ...not the funny lighthearted sawdy. Not in a long time. He died. He didn't like us knowing him too well and he was always low key doing 4chan level stuff or threatening to bringing the worse out of buddyroe and other users. Good riddance.
  6. I get attached to stuff and my mom disappears it
  7. Dammit i wish id kept mine
  8. Not really. Well...i would have to buy her a school wardrobe. Shit. Cuz i don't think they have uniforms there. Ugh. But my daughter has never gone without. Even as a baby and boy babies are expensive what with diapers and needing new clothes every couple of months. I did just fine.
  9. Jesus I guess i gotta see what I can get Tmobile to pay me.
  10. Theyre hiring a whole level up at my old job. Expert level. Gotta be at least $17/hr START pay. So tempting.
  11. She lived in Charleston with me for a few years. She kind of remembers it. She remembers we had a huge brand new apartment with way more space and shes always complaining abt not having enough room. She has one friend shes in love with but they talk on the computer and she can see her when we come back to visit. U said $3000 is needed to pack up and go, right?
  12. Yeah wake up lol
  13. Back in Charleston Its over developed now with population issues but im about to not care. The more the merrier. The jobs and money is still better.
  14. Oh no dont bother her fer me if she's busy
  15. Hey is Boo awake?
  16. 7 years in this fucking city and i haven't met one scraggedly ass friend In Charleston i had friends out the wahoo Everything here fucking sucks. The food. The sights. The fucking lame ass stupid backstabby people. Even the military guys suck. Fuck The Met. I dunno. I need to move back. I hate how many messages i have to send like this on a regular fucking basis
  17. He never really belonged here n e wayz
  18. Yeah. Cept sawdy feels deep down he deserves the torture. Bet she threw out his xbox and sold his chickens, too. He thinks hes got it all just because he has a ring on his finger and a big house.
  19. I said this was gonna happen. That his wife didn't like him being happy. She didn't even like his sense of humor. Typical woman. He's never coming back.
  20. There's nothing wrong with my skin. Thats why i can post pics and you can't, baconator.
  21. Omg soooo creepy. He is gonna get demolished.
  22. Whoa wtf slow down there rico
  23. I didnt need to sleep or go to work tomorrow anyways. Pssh. Who needs any of that shit?
  24. Went thru the archives. Omg i was sooo haaaawwwwt!
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