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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. is it time to hit the panic button? i ask because it's becoming harder and harder to be positive about toonami and i wonder how the hell they are gonna make it through the rest of this year if they have to resort to ballmasterz of all things now
  2. i mean i think that's common in japan where people usually live in smaller places and don't have much room for furniture or trinkets
  3. he just wants to spread the idea that we're all doomed and we should live indoors forever i guess... guy should really play some animal crossing or something
  4. it's weird because You'd think it would be the other way around
  5. yeah it's weird they didn't really put a disclaimer mentioning this was done remotely...
  6. nobody says you have to live in fear for 20 years dude.....it's only been a few months and already we have people who think this will last forever just chill
  7. true but we all have to have some faith....because we can't worry too much about what will happen because of stupid we just have to continue our lives with these precautions in mind
  8. i am always confused as to why the tv guide lists the JPN version of the episode title instead of the dubbed one
  9. there will always be those idiots but it's stupid to say reopening is a dumb idea because of them everyone just has to take the proper precautions to stay safe because We'd be waiting for many years if we decided to hide until a vaccine is mass produced
  10. stop being overly dramatic nothing was gonna be on lockdown indefinitely no matter how much you wish for that to be true nobody can just magic up a cure that stuff takes time and patience something a lot of people don't have when they're government refuses to pay the bills and send them groceries
  11. well there's no cure/treatment and it's very unlikely there will be one mass produced anytime soon so what else can you do except learn to live with it? you can't exactly wait out the virus
  12. i just doubt it will get any faster than this
  13. i really wish companies like that would quit thinking anime's just for losers and weirodo's who have no life whatsoever
  14. i suppose all we can do is have some hope....this trailer is at least somewhat of a pleasant suprise
  15. it's still bizarre to see MHA ending a night of adultswim monday to friday
  16. i really doubt recording from home would ever be a viable alternative to studio dubbing there's just too much slowdown involved to continue doing it outside this pandemic
  17. the major question is what can they possibly snag to replace MHA in the front spot? realistically you can't just shove whatever in as the leader of the pack
  18. don't doubt anything....this is 2020 you gotta remember that the world isn't normal...not even close to it i think what many people don't realize is that this isn't just a minor nuisance that will fade away it's here and it's gonna be here for the long haul we just have to figure some way to co-exist with this virus in a safe manner
  19. problem is toonami's never had to deal with a global pandemic before....this is a new situation for everyone involved and it's not going away anytime soon the dub process has slowed down drastically as a result of the transition from studio to home recording and with Japan's 2020 being uncertain due to covid-19 many shows that would have premiered this year won't and will be put on the shelf temporarily until conditions are safer so i imagine the best question to ask at this time is...do you think conditions are safe enough for dub studios to open back up and for animators(not just in japan but everywhere else)to return to HQ because until conditions are safer things will remain as they are
  20. it's moved onto the sports festival(season 2)and is still at 4:30 AM for me no real changes
  21. mario themed card decks can be unlocked
  22. it all depends on how the covid-19 pandemic progresses in japan..... nobody's really confident things will be back to normal until a vaccine comes out(which would be a long time from now.....so if toonami has to stall until then...well toonami is screwed)
  23. still it doesn't seem like the budget's in a good spot for 2020 considering we've only had a single new show(SAO Underworld) and there's been no word on anything to look forward to in the near future there's been no indication that we're getting anything new for the rest of the year since a lot of plans across the entertainment industry have had to change due to covid-19
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