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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. a recap episode before a marathon....seems lame this is the last BC Episode on toonami until July 11th
  2. in more positive news it doesn't look like funimation's slowing down anytime soon on remotely dubbing black clover
  3. also according to the toonami sub-reddit this is a filler episode so take that however you want
  4. a two part recap episode would really suck.... on another note.....I'm Still trying to decide if continuing to watch toonami for black clover alone would be a good idea
  5. I Suppose toonami felt they really needed something that was guaranteed to put butts in seats now and even as a rerun they probably thought DBS was the best option to salvage the block
  6. They Probably decided against that since the weekday morning rerun slot of MHA is currently on Season 3 So it's only a matter of time before it reaches season 4
  7. it's really bizarre since they recently concluded dubbing for MHA S4....So You'd think that would give them more time to focus on other shows
  8. Hoping for some really good news.....could really use that right now I'm Down to Watching Just BC On the block by then.....(Naruto is more or less background noise for me)
  9. it's weird that fire force S2 has not been listed as Remotely dubbing for some reason even though they said It'll simuldub
  10. https://twitter.com/FUNimation/status/1276878042716082177
  11. Maybe I'd be more positive and cheerful if my state(texas)wasn't so determined to get everyone killed.... they all think it's the wild wild west and they can do as they please Counties constantly butting heads because they can't agree on anything and all the governor can do is make suggestions that anyone can just choose to ignore in other words "We've Tried Nothing and We're All Out Of Ideas!"
  12. because it's dragon ball and even a rerun of dragon ball would probably do better than anything else they'd have planned for that slot The franchise is that powerful so i don't really see them demoting DBS Reruns for anything
  13. They are gonna be screwed next year because i really doubt the budget is gonna be any better with covid-19 still raging on strong by then and eventually they'll exhaust all viable rerun options all because so many people think wearing a mask is stupid and social distancing is for losers....
  14. https://twitter.com/Crunchyroll/status/1276296692095160321
  15. it took so long to get to a point where Dragon ball wasn't Toonami's Prize Winner and since this story arc lasts 54 episodes we're back in that "DB Is Undefeated King Of Toonami" Phase for the long haul that's my big problem with this....no matter what they get for the rest of the year....It'll be stuck airing after DBS Reruns and this will go well into 2021...
  16. how do you feel about toonami putting DBS Reruns upfront soon?
  17. wouldn't be surprised if PA is replaced with cowboy bebop and mob is replaced with fooly cooly
  18. DBS Just seems like an act of desperation....they must think DBS Reruns Upfront will help them wait out this pandemic
  19. one theory is people are just pawning off all the fireworks they wouldn't be able to sell thinking they gotta unload the supplies somehow and those supplies were quickly put to use not long after they were sold either that or a bunch of people somehow had dozens upon dozens of fireworks stashed away and they are using them as a way to irritate the people they feel are trying to rob them of freedom by saying they can't celebrate independence day due to some "Made Up Flu"(as they see it anyways)
  20. shocked BM9009 is actually doing fine ratings wise.....it makes no sense
  21. Independence Day celebrations are being canceled left and right so it isn't like most people will be out watching fireworks and shooting them off anyways
  22. not like it matters...this topic is barely used anyways
  23. can't deny the 4kids dub of shaman king had an awesome intro theme
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