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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. business as usual except for the fact they may have to ride out the rest of the year on mostly reruns which will turn off even the most loyal toonami fans no matter the circumstance
  2. and how long will that take?....last time i respond to this
  3. why do people keep forgetting there's a new president emerging at adultswim?
  4. so then we just hunker down until a vaccine?
  5. yeah...i never heard anyone say "the pandemic will last forever" anyone who says that may as well say "hide indoors and never leave forever"
  6. five weeks of ballmasterz....i don't really see the toonami audience accepting that show no matter the anime influence it's still an adult swim comedy and those usually clash horribly with toonami
  7. [Comment Redacted]
  8. [Comment Redacted]
  9. just anything else would be better than another repeat of the gentle versus deku battle....
  10. with no update on the progress of the last two episodes of S4 for MHA....what will toonami do if funimation has not made any progress by next week? they surely can't repeat the gentle criminal battle again....
  11. do we know much about the new adult swim president? that's the key factor here what flew with the previous adult swim president may not fly as well under the new one
  12. one month left until this is suppose to air in japan....here's hoping it doesn't get delayed
  13. isn't there suppose to be a new adult-swim president stepping in soon?(i think that's what i heard on the toonami reddit but wasn't so sure) besides that...yes all of tv is hurting that's very true but while those networks can just ride on auto-pilot for the rest of the year without worry i just doubt the same tactic would work just as well for toonami(which has a far more obscure audience) if it becomes entirely reruns then whose to say most of said audience won't just opt to stream animes they haven't seen before instead of watching stuff they've seen dozens of times before? i think there's this belief that the majority who watch toonami will watch it no matter what's on the block and no matter if it's all new or all reruns believe what you want everyone has an opinion...i just think an all reruns toonami would have significantly less viewers
  14. and i doubt it affects them much but that's the difference between CN And Toonami toonami caters to a very niche audience....Cartoon network caters to children who don't mind watching the same teen titans go episodes several days in a row the toonami audience probably wouldn't react the same way to seeing the same episodes over and over again
  15. most networks have come to terms with the fact that they have to write off 2020 as a lost cause in the books (an exception is the CW Network whose taken to buying the tv rights for older shows to air in the fall such as the canceled dc universe subscription swamp thing) although I'm not really sure toonami can just do the same and ride out the rest of the year on reruns like every other network
  16. eh someone i spoke with on gamefaqs has this crazy idea that this is all happening because maybe just maybe one of the Jojo Voice actors has corona-virus that's just his wacky theory not mine(honestly i disagree but you are free to think whatever you want)
  17. it's 2020 at this point i don't think we should be surprised to not get something we were originally suppose to
  18. hopefully something fresh is coming in the near future because I'm tired of toonami news just being this depressing i don't wanna think about what' will happen if ballMasterz(S1 Rerun)concludes and Jojo Still needs more time for dubbing 5 weeks is the minimum but it could take longer than that and that's the part i don't like the black clover situation makes this even more depressing and makes me wonder if there's any way to salvage this year for toonami unfortunately until the world returns to normal i doubt toonami will be doing any better so unless covid-19 magically vanishes or a vaccine somehow comes out quicker than originally thought toonami's gonna be in a rough spot for a very long time
  19. true but that's just one show... only a matter of time until that's not even an option (even when more dubbed episodes are made there's still that point where they'll reach the end due to the hiatus in Japan from covid-19)
  20. it just feels awkward since ballmasterz had already been airing shortly after toonami so i have no idea why they thought that would be better than simply rerunning past jojo episodes(Something that never usually happens with Jojo)
  21. with this....I Have to say I'm Officially done with toonami I Quit I'm Done until things return to normal i refuse to stay up for reruns i value my time too much to waste it on episodes I've already seen before...so late at night
  22. why are you throwing a tantrum just because I state the obvious? I'm sick and tired of people downplaying this like it's only a short term thing and not what we'll be dealing with for the rest of the year.... covid-19 didn't magically vanish just because it isn't at the top of news headlines anymore there's a difference between positivity and blind optimism states reopened yes but that's all that happened...nothing more the animation industry is still in an awkward spot
  23. i really hope we don't have a situation later down the road where it's indefinite reruns and nothing else....sadly there's little evidence to think it won't come down to that so i have to ask everyone here now....how positive do you feel about toonami for the rest of 2020 and making it into 2021? because this is staring to look pretty bleak
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