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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. the red haired fang girl...my mom said that when she was on the trip and kept mentioning all the good food that would be there just how she acts around food and seems quick to stuff her face made her say "Yeah She Gonna be fat thinking like that"
  2. the website that typically posts toonami ratings went down several weeks ago and has yet to return as anything more than an archive site
  3. unfortunately since the protagonist(Deku)is in Class A We Haven't really seen much from Class B and i don't think horikoshi ever thought of them as more than just minor characters
  4. with her attitude around food My mother felt like mentioning "Man She's gonna get fat one day..."
  5. some think that's good because now we can just watch the block without worrying about stupid little numbers that are irrelevant to us...... but to me since The MHA Promotion was vaguely hinted at being a test(depending on well it does in viewership numbers) being completely left in the dark on the performance of it isn't good at all I Don't like The Nielsen Ratings System but it was the only numbers we had public access to regarding toonami and now without those numbers We now depend on whatever info jason demarco feels like tweeting
  6. that's a good question honestly....i think he'd be annoyed that demarco's clowning on him for comments he made back in 2009
  7. yeah i put it in this topic and all it said was "The Real Ones Know" as if to say you aren't a real fan if you ever thought adultswim didn't like anime and it's fans
  8. and adultswim's official twitter account gave him a thumbs up for that tweet...
  9. i think becoming so dependent upon Dragon ball was something that truly hurt toonami
  10. still not back....so i guess no more toonami ratings i suppose Jason Demarco would prefer it this way
  11. i suppose because there's nothing to really show.... also i wonder why is MHA the only new show with topicals now...Dr Stone has none and it did for the first season seems strange to just promote one show
  12. ....red bull commercials and anti-vape commercials because those two things totally fit on toonami
  13. A Toyota Commercial followed by A Chipotle Commercial pepsi and then red bull why are the ads during toonami so random? and now another anti-vape commercial
  14. You Know it's too bad most manga companies don't use the toonami block airings to promote the manga on social media(like when viz promoted the announcement of the jojo part 5 hardcover the night of Jojo Part 5's finale on toonami)
  15. which is weird....it wasn't ready to air after MHA but it was ready to air after dr.stone huh?
  16. It seems like the topical promo's are taking longer than expected(the one for this episode wasn't ready to air after MHA)and i expect that to be the norm moving forward
  17. it's weird we don't really see many anime commercials on toonami
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