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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. I'm pretty sure MHA Won't stop abruptly and will be around 25 episodes like the last season it isn't attack on titan after all and looking it up on wikipedia just to make sure the series has never had that Stop-Gap(Part 1/Part 2)Set up in it's Japanese Release Schedule
  2. which is why i think trying to pander to those people is a stupid idea trying to say "A Nostalgia Fueled Pick" for the lead spot on modern toonami would be a good way to draw an audience makes no business sense whatsoever You Don't See Fox Thinking of airing reruns of old shows in prime time ahead of newer shows like it's the best idea ever... so i have no idea where they are getting this business strategy from.... but it seems backwards and nonsensical Keeping DBS Reruns upfront ahead of MHA S5 is like keeping the Training Wheels on a bike and claiming it's better than one without them just like you can't improve if you never take off the training wheels toonami can't do any better if they stubbornly refuse to let any other show lead the block they want more people watching the block and keeping DBS Super Reruns in the first slot leads to that common problem the casual audience tuning out and never returning after The DBS Rerun Concludes so how does this help toonami at all? are they insane...has adultswim finally lost it's mind?!
  3. Toonami Can't thrive off Nostalgia Alone(something those people should understand)and if toonami was still airing weekday afternoons we'd have heavily censored shows and some of these shows wouldn't air at all such as Jojo's Bizarre adventure would any of them truly be happy if we had what amounts to A 4kids version of toonami?....because that's what We'd get if toonami was still a weekday afternoon block on cartoon network and I'm tired of people who think Toonami Isn't Toonami unless it's airing all retro content Have they seen what happens to a block or even a television network that's entirely "Retro Content?" it either dies or is rebranded to be something else completely case in point Nicktoons Network it was once A Channel for Old Nickelodeon Content and now it's just the dumping ground for shows nickelodeon doesn't like you can't really hype up retro content that long eventually people stop caring and then you are up a creek without a paddle so back to toonami...the same would apply Nostalgia isn't a surefire plan for success The Amount of Retro Networks that have come and gone are proof of that
  4. I"m getting mixed messages from them on one hand they want something that draws in a casual audience as the lead show but on the other hand they are thinking about a nostalgia pick to lead the block after dbs that doesn't sound like something that would draw in a casual audience that doesn't really know about anime they have to realize trying to pander to people who will never watch toonami no matter what they do isn't a smart idea
  5. hopefully sooner rather than later they realize DBS Reruns remaining the lead show until it's run concludes isn't a smart idea....they aren't gonna find a better lead show than MHA S5 none of the originals will be it and a nostalgia fueled pick won't be either all because "DB Put toonami on the map!" I Guess they are fine with people seeing toonami as just Dragon ball and nothing else
  6. Unless You Live in Bizarro World it makes zero sense to not have MHA S5 as the lead show instead of two year old DBS Reruns when it's likely it could outperform that crap if you just gave it the chance and didn't keep insisting nothing can do better than DBS Reruns
  7. i still don't see them beating DBS Reruns because the trend is for the ratings to steadily decline after the first show and i don't see that changing
  8. I'd be surprised if suddenly more people showed up for MHA than DBS Reruns because the ratings tend to decline after DBS and they never get any higher than what DBS Did what are the chances people show up half an hour after toonami starts in droves to watch MHA S5?
  9. unless these people stick around for the other shows what does toonami gain from catering to people who don't like anything that isn't dragon ball?
  10. - Cosmo Samurai was greenlit pre-COVID and it's much cheaper to produce than the TIE stuff. CGI is expensive and is getting more expensive. - They're still deciding what to do for the 25th anniversary next year. - Stuff like Cosmo Samurai and the Rick and Morty anime shorts come from a separate budget and it is not tied to the budget for acquiring shows. - We should be getting info about the original series in a couple months, such as premiere dates. He said everyone is pleased with how they're turning out, including the "high, higher-ups." - As always, Toonami plans are known well in advance before the public knows. For example, there was a funny moment where Jason forgot that Dr. Stone season 2 is coming to Toonami because he had known for a while it was coming. - And the last thing was the topic about DB: Super reruns. Basically, that's Kim Manning's decision and the reason why it's starting the block is what we have known for a while: it brings in the ratings. The Toonami people see more data than the general public and the show brings in the casual people to Toonami. Jason did say that they're aware that some people are unhappy about this and he said the show won't be at midnight "forever" but it's there for the foreseeable future. He also said that while he appreciates the die-hard fans of the block, they're still a television network at the end of the day and they need to bring in the eyeballs. He also mentioned that My Hero Academia reruns don't do well on the block compared to Super and he speculated it's because My Hero's audience is much younger, so they'll stream it compared to DB fans.
  11. there was no way 16 episodes would be able to fit in the conclusion of AOT(from what I've been hearing anyway)
  12. Yeah Jojo Part 6 will probably put fire force S3 on the backburner for quite sometime so if anyone wants to continue this...be patient or read the manga
  13. i find it funny how Hibana's in the opening but she's barely been in this season
  14. but what will replace it when it's rerun eventually ends? will they just restart from the beginning....
  15. early on in the pandemic it made sense because they were desperate for any kind of content on the block and this helped act as filler now....it's just weird 2 year old dbs reruns don't really help anyone the dbs anime isn't returning anytime soon and people who watch dbs typically run away from any other show You have to imagine adult swim isn't happy with that and this contract has put them in a very frustrating position where the next lead show will most likely be something too niche to attract mainstream attention all while MHA S5 lives in the shadow of DBS Reruns...
  16. keeping the show as the lead show on the block doesn't help any other show it doesn't help toonami because people who only like db will continue what they do...watch that rerun and then tune out so how is this a smart business move?
  17. I Have no idea what will be the lead show after super now....MHA S5 seemed like the obvious choice to take lead spot and demote DBS Reruns but apparently toonami is too stubborn to not have DBS as the star show
  18. someone on the anime superheroes/toonzone forum had this theory to explain why DBS Reruns are still the lead show "One theory I have is that advertisers probably know what Dragonball is more than MHA, Attack on Titan, or any of the anime that are popular but not Dragonball Super tier. Advertisers are probably more willing to throw money at the show. "
  19. reminder this movie had a happy meal promotion in japan... The R-Rating here is a good example of cultural differences Nobody bats an eye at kids being into this series in japan but america? You'd have parents flipping out and sending angry messages
  20. Either MHA Replaces AOT Or fire force I'd be surprised if MHA S5 doesn't show up on toonami in the near future with this announcement
  21. i watched this when it originally aired on the foxbox and i think it's one of the better jobs done by 4kids there's still some of that silly 4kids vibe to it but in my opinion it's not enough to make it awkward
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  22. this music video acts as the epilogue and shows how Akane's doing after the show concludes
  23. and yet it's what we still use....so toonami has to appease people who typically aren't anime fans it's why DBS Reruns remain at the front
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