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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. is there a reason Naruto's the only show on the block where the opening intro is cut out completely? it's annoying me at this point because it's like they figure "Meh Nobody gives a shit about whatever the hell's on at 1:00 AM anyways so why bother leaving the OP In?"
  2. why even leave him this tape if he doesn't want to see Gon? seems counter-productive if you ask me
  3. Doctor Doom was always coined to become the new ironman Riri Williams Is Iron-Heart and it was months before the book would be out when that announcement had been made the only reason people made that assumption is due to the book's title and her inheriting the latest version of the iron-man armor and besides America Chavez has been around since 2011 it's not like they dropped this character on us randomly with a solo book and said "Hey we have a new gay character please love her!"
  4. if that were the case they would be the same creative teams on the same books with the same premises but they aren't There Was No Jean Grey Solo Iceman Solo Generation X Weapon X(AKA X-Force Book) Secret Warriors Black Bolt Solo Cable Solo At Best the only ones that could be considered a renumbering are X-Men Blue(From All New X-Men) X-Men Gold(From Extraordinary X-Men)And Royals(From Uncanny Inhumans) the rest have nothing to do with a previously existing modern book
  5. we could have one right now a tinychat
  6. So How did Hogback and Absalom drag off moria's body without anyone seeing or noticing? you don't just move someone that size and not cause any noise
  7. i mistread that as The Fatter Speaks!
  8. Cassettes? how the hell does anyone know there know what a cassette is
  9. Ya Know I think it's funny how gon doesn't tell all the dark details like how he almost died a hundred times over and how there's a Serial Killer obsessed with him
  10. Super Mansion is just...very bad
  11. first commercial when it goes to ad break...an ad for super mansion AKA That Show that makes fun of superheroes but doesn't know how superheroes even work
  12. yeah i don't look forward to training episodes
  13. Is John Wick Really the kind of movie that toonami fans wanna see or something?
  14. ya know in a world where Dinosaurs still roam the planet and owls wear hats? why would the humans freak out upon seeing Saiyans flying around You'd think after gigantic monsters and animals that talk Flying People would be the least weird thing
  15. I Just facepalm that you can go from something like One Punch Man To American Dad.....at this rate you might as well make these shows apart of toonami and get it over with American Dad King Of The Hill Family Guy
  16. thanks heh i also got Pokemon moon earlier in december but i haven't played that yet cause I've been so obsessed with overwatch
  17. i just keep thinking One Piece was drawn a bad hand while DBZ Gets to laugh about getting in on the action before crap like 4Kids was around and could ruin them in such a manner that's the only reason One Piece got this way is because of 4Kids and their existence.....If It Had Been DBZ Instead Of One Piece We would have been in the same position except with DBZ Being Extremely Obscure in the united states and seen as a laughing stock for a crap dub
  18. yeah i usually get a big batch once every month and yeah I'd like to have the manga but again it's probably more annoying getting started with the manga than the anime at this rate
  19. i guess people just pretend naruto ended cause again nobody talks about that crap i hear more about DBZ And One Piece than i do Naruto
  20. any reason why?(not like they are connected in anyway) I Got the last guardian along with Akiba's Trip Dead Rising 4 And Bloodborne for Xmas i have yet to play it
  21. i thought all naruto had left were movies and one shot specials I've not heard anything out of Naruto Anime Series wise in ages! last thing i heard were the naruto video games and Boruto
  22. I'd do that if there was a store that carried manga's since i already get comic books shipped to me by mail i don't need to worry about manga volumes being shoved into the mailbox with them Walmart around here used to carry manga for a couple months last year but even then they never carried any volumes of One Piece...Weird Really(but they carried Akame Ga Kill)
  23. At Least Naruto is over though so there's no real rush...You'll eventually get to the end sometime(depending on how patience you are) But One Piece? It's Episode count gets bigger and bigger all the time so it becomes harder and harder just to keep track of everything going on if you are watching it just on toonami
  24. i like one piece i really do but every week i feel like my patience is tested with the slow ass pacing and You Mean Sasuke&Friends? cause Naruto has not really done much in ages on toonami
  25. no other anime is as far behind as one piece is for American Television Freaking Hell That was a 9 year old episode!!!!
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