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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. to some extent i believe if 4Kids had never gotten involved with One Piece many of us wouldn't be watching this right now
  2. it feels like a family guy joke Only Fat Guys Can Be Tolerated Fat Chicks are the spawn of satan
  3. Why Does Every Fat Guy Get To Look Somewhat normal but Fat Women have to look like literal nightmare fuel of some sort?
  4. i guess we'll never know of Moria's true past
  5. it's hard to have a kitchen without any traces of salt i would imagine but i do wonder what he was like before he got the shadow shadow fruit since i doubt he was ever a human
  6. why would moriah even have his weakness just laying around like that?
  7. it's sad because toonami is the only time adult swim doesn't seem like it's run by drunks
  8. i just feel sad we had to lose weekday anime just to get this far
  9. seriously i feel sorry for anyone watching with their speakers on
  10. sad one piece doesn't get treated like that by toonami
  11. take a drink every time Moriah laughs
  12. i don't even know why most toonami fans would be interested in clothes sponsored by Amy Schumer
  13. that can be blamed on those shows being shelved for far too long and being lost in limbo for awhile
  14. as long as adultswim has fox animated sitcoms there will be no anime on week nights family guy gives them too much moolah
  15. like right now there's a gerber babies commercial right after HXH ends what the hell?
  16. is anyone not named Gon Or Killua Ever Going to be important?
  17. where else would they go? Anime Is Scarce On Television And Toonami is the only safe haven for it at this point and this would only change if Toonami was Expanded with more time slots but that's never going to happen as long
  18. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/12/09/marvel-x-men-resurrxion-x-men-prime-daniel-ketchum-mark-paniccia
  19. i feel like the first few years had more variety than what we get now 3 hours a week simply means Toonami has to pick the most obvious popular stuff now
  20. again Killua And Gon Fighting Tournament probably isn't what people want out of this show right now
  21. i think it's more so because the show is now Killua And Gon Randomly in a fighting tournament because reasons
  22. how can they expect job security from someone who wants to send the SNL Cast To Prison just for making fun of him on a show full of parodies...? how can they expect jobs to be made when the president spends more time arguing with people on twitter than thinking about anything presidential? when you voted trump you took the whole package racism and bigotry included i don't care what the reason for voting for him was You voting for him meant you either agreed with those horrible opinions on Non-White People And Women Or You Simply chose to ignore them because you thought we can pick the aspects of a candidate we like and just throw away the ones we don't like anyone who claims they voted trump and aren't against gays or non-whites have to remember they still voted for someone who doesn't have a high opinion on those people
  23. i feel pissed off that One Piece Gets No Respect anymore and they made a huge case about it returning to the block several years ago when the toonami reboot was still young they made a big promo for the start of Ennies Lobby and then nothing....they did 1 marathon for one piece and it was post ennies lobby filler episodes...
  24. so much so that they would rather have a guy who wants to build a attack on titan's style wall around mexico and force all mexicans to pay for it.... granted he's not really doing that it was one of the main points to his platform and why people voted for him because they feared anyone who wasn't white would be out to get them and their jobs
  25. i have no idea...better question why would anyone vote for someone who has no experience in politics and had Trump University actually become a thing that people paid for....
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