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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. I'm not expecting much from Unicorn....so i guess this time slot is gonna be a waste
  2. blame that on toonami's genius idea of thinking just because it has a famous name it must be good! that's why we got Tenchi GXP
  3. regardless this just pushes the mentality that Americans Only Respond to Anime if It's DBZ And Rarely Anything else
  4. okay since when can vampires turn people into serpent monsters and dog creatures?
  5. the fights aren't what makes an series known for it's fights worthwhile?
  6. can this end already so we can get to Jojo? i feel like I'm watching dead air
  7. One Piece Fans Hate Knowing that A DBZ Clip Show Will Always Have More Viewers than An Actual Normal Canon Episode Of One Piece or any other anime ever
  8. Are We talking Jotun Or Overwatch? because I'm pretty sure the majority of gamers know what the hell overwatch is it's made by the company that brought us Starcraft And The World Of Warcraft also Diablo
  9. especially considering how huge the game's become I'd dare say it's the most popular online game of the year so they never did overwatch but instead they do a random game that nobody's probably gonna play in the end.... i feel like we've been getting too many okay to average indie reviews on toonami
  10. i find it weird Toonami Never Reviewed Overwatch but they did review titanfall in the past(A Far Inferior Game In My Mind)
  11. god we get it you think anime is homophobic as all hell...knock it off Sexuality doesn't need to be a major part of any anime
  12. i think everyone can blame 4Kids for One Piece slowly being reduced to nothing more than a late night insomniac's show in the united states
  13. surprised nobody's told him to shut the hell up already with that
  14. ya know i keep thinking Moria is less some random bloke who got devil fruit powers and instead a demon who got even more powers
  15. take a drink for every time Moria spams his laugh....
  16. They had two marathon's last year though so that might be why it seems like so much to me
  17. so much for Any Movies Or Children Who Chase Lost Voices Being Replayed I'm Okay With A Jojo Marathon but I Feel like I've gone through more DBZ Kai Marathons than i can handle....i feel pissed off that the only one piece marathon we got was a bunch of shitty post ennies lobby filler episodes
  18. i think super is too big to just let it rot on at 11:00 PM On Saturday Nights
  19. i think they need to just forget about doing another Intruder event...just leave it be but something tells me they might do another one next year because they got nothing else happening around november usually
  20. i find it funny nami had the time to look through perona's wardrobe
  21. weird to see her wearing one of perona's shirts
  22. okay shut the hell up moriah
  23. they probably just think toonami fans are jobless losers that can barely pay for anything so why advertise anything they want?
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