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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. i just can't fathom how Naruto survives when i can't remember what really happened the last couple of months but i can remember the last couple of months for One Piece to me naruto has been a boring drag for too long....and that's the toonami stanard to end the night now?! because i sure as hell don't consider tokyo ghoul a top tier send off
  2. so i guess DBZ Jojo HXH Are The Lone Toonami Trinity Now....
  3. Ghost in the shell got a LA Movie but seems like it's gonna be nothing more than one big cliche
  4. man this feels like when X-Men Fans were raging at marvel for trying to phase out the mutants in favor of the inhumans Both this decision and that one were ones made because they thought it was best for business...unfortunately for marvel they had to scrap their inhumans push once it became apparent that most inhumans book sold like garbage and people were pissed that they even thought of killing off the x-men in the back of their mind
  5. i guess this cements the bad luck of one piece forever
  6. does this really deserve 3 parts?....they go through thriller bark just to fight some idiot running a spa
  7. welp this is probably my mom's favorite show on toonami(right now)and she was just too tired to sit through all of it though needless to say she's not missing much fortunately
  8. what about this screams "Anime fans would love this!"
  9. this show needs to swap places with one piece.....because as it stands it makes no sense that Naruto's OP doesn't exist anymore and one piece gets it's OP everytime Naruto just starts and no songs until the ending awkward besides that it's very boring now
  10. what the hell is with this universe?! this video game kills people
  11. when did this become sword art online?!
  12. i dunno what it is with anime and having random characters with a country accent
  13. adult swim doesn't even care about it's fans they just throw out whatever garbage they find laying around and air it
  14. had to pee...we were in a hurry and i didn't have time to go hunting for the bathroom plus i had doubts that walmarr(where we were headed next)would have a better anime selection so i picked up the most interesting thing and the line of hyper intelligent man eating bears just caught me
  15. i dont even know why this was at bestbuy out in the open....if i had done my research first hand i would have seen a bad purchase a mile away
  16. also but hey as a comic book fan I've seen guys like magneto and loki become good guys so i guess anything's possible
  17. i try to...but it's impossible Moria is insane the day we see him as a hero(or anti-hero) is the day Oda's lost his mind
  18. yeah it took until they crippled oars for Moria to start freaking out and going into rage mode until then he gave no shits and seemed pretty chillax with everything....even when things didn't seem to be going his way he didn't get pissed he even toyed around with luffy for awhile and was like "Oh Hey Sup?" when he tried to get his shadow back from him the first time
  19. this one is just so confusing because Gecko Moria's shadows are gone and really Hogback and Absalom have no reason to stay loyal towards him since he has nothing left to offer them with thriller bark toast He'd have to have done something really great for them or saved their lives for them to honestly save his ass when he's at his weakest
  20. Hogback yeah no way in hell.... Moria Yeah Not a chance but I'd say more of a chance than hogback because well...he managed to somehow keep his minions loyals to him(not one word about trying to stab him in his back or being irritated by him like CP9 were at Spandam)
  21. if gecko moria becomes a hero i will facepalm...because that is the biggest wtf move by oda if that were to happen he's pure evil
  22. yeah and not killing someone like that means maybe sooner or later(if ever)they will get pissed and seek revenge after surviving spooky ghost island You'd think you would make sure not to repeat that hellhole incident again
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