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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. just seems like a last minute rush job because adult swim wanted them to get rid of one piece asap! once naruto faces the same fate i gotta wonder if toonami can survive another year if the long runners are gonna start dropping like flies in the coming months
  2. and right now it feels like the only major player we're gonna be left with is DBZ in the end....that just cements the sad fact that the average american can only stomach DBZ and hates every other anime the less long runners they have the more slots they have to consistently fill....last thing we need is a bunch of slots filled up by old reruns of ASA Shows
  3. but you gotta admit if that's all we gotta look forward to each week then that's depressing...... JoJo or one piece usually wins the best episode of the night for me and without those two i feel like I'm gonna get bored a lot easier Samurai Jack will help but once it's final season concludes I'm gonna be desperately hioping for a top tier badass show that can replace One Piece in the Toonami Top Tier Totem Pole
  4. I'm surprised people tuned out after Naruto especially since naruto's not really been that great of a show in recent months One Piece has been far better than Naruto's episodes in the last couple of months and yet We'll keep getting Sasuke's misadventures that bore me to tears.... i just cannot fathom A Major Anime Player as One Piece being considered a dumpster fire that they gotta get rid of...(Adult swim expects too much from 1:30 AM Time Slot...)
  5. why the hell are we even watching toonami at this point? if you remove Jojo And One Piee that just leaves DBZ Naruto HXH As The Big 3.....Naruto Sucks right now And HXH is taking it's sweet ass time getting good DBZ is...just DBZ if they take out naruto then that just means 2 DBZ Shows And HXH will be the only major players are they trying to kill toonami right now? cause it doesn't seem like they got some major shows coming down the pipeline to make up for what we're gonna be losing
  6. just be patient then....either toonami will bring back one piece or they'll start to regret canning it when they are tempted to can naruto too
  7. that's like saying There's no drama just peace in comic books Hiatus Time Makes Manga fans raging pissed though i do wonder how accurate this theory is....that toonami does have a plan to bring back one piece they just aren't telling us because adult swim was on their ass about the ratings and they wanted to keep things fresh this could also mean Funimation could see an increase in sales from toonami viewers and maybe just maybe toonami's milking this for a big comeback when the time is right whose to say Funimation and toonami aren't secretly working behind the scenes on a new deal to bring back one piece.....in the meantime they might give a little nod and send people funimation's way for the blu-rays and what not they gain nothing from shelving it forever and I don't imagine funimation being too happy about One Piece's weekly advertisement being gone for good
  8. i do wish i knew why some one piece fans think toonami will bring back One Piece later this year when Tokyo Ghoul Finishes there are actually people who are convinced that one piece is temporarily shelved to keep things fresh and that once Ghoul Ends We'll be seeing the straw hats again(Perhaps with Toonami Striking a cheaper deal for One Piece since Funimation And Toei would probably want the mainstream exposure) although if that was the case why would they make a sad farewell video if they were just planning on bringing back One Piece in a couple months? it's a strange theory because these fans just see one piece as too major of an anime property to just dump forever
  9. sure would be....honestly though i think One Piece is just way too popular of a franchise not to be on television no matter what the toonami ratings suggest if DBZ was at 1:30 AM I'm pretty damn sure even it would be flopping hard
  10. i swear it feels like DBZ's been on top for decades....nothing can stand up to it and it's practically the only anime you can mention in a discussion online and always get responses about it from someone anyone it's like The Family Guy Or The Simpsons of Anime Everyone On Earth has seen it...it seems and everyone watches it it feels like.....anytime new DBZ related comes out you see people literally shitting their pants over it and rocketing through the roof never seen that response for any other anime in the states
  11. this just goes back to all those old adult swim bumps where they constantly mocked anime and anime fans.... even during toonami they have the balls to advertise their shitty original comedies
  12. could you imagine how much it must suck to be apart of the toonami crew and suddenly have to remove a show you and the rest of your crew were really passionate about keeping on the block just because "The Ratings Weren't There!"....for a 1:30 AM Show how long before Mike Lazzo breaks down the door and screams at them to have more family guy on toonami
  13. this wasn't the toonami crew's decision it was either this or probably get fired and replaced by the adult swim higher ups
  14. because if adult swim's gonna start knocking down doors to send a message that they won't tolerate dumpster rating animes anymore then whose to say they won't threaten the toonami crew if they don't start finding some way to improve the ratings in spots like when Naruto Airs
  15. My Mother And I Love The Series so we just always watched it on toonami every week but now that that's no longer the case...I've been pondering how I'm gonna handle viewing one piece now since I'd hate to think that my mothers favorite anime on the block would no longer be available to her the issue comes in the form of timing....even though she constantly had issues just staying up for One Piece At it's 1:30 AM Time slot she still knew when to tune in and was always there to enjoy it now since time is no longer in the equation i have to make up a schedule of my own for us to view the series and that might be complicated.... but what else am i suppose to do? she loves the show and it's characters I Can't just leave her hanging with a shitty filler episode as the last thing she sees
  16. so how long until they remove naruto then? a month
  17. does One Piece have horrible luck in america or something?
  18. so they are expanding the book or just dumping Jojo just like that?
  19. wouldn't have happened it was in a location far off from my own home and the only reason i was out that far is because my dad ordered something from bestbuy and that's the nearest one that had the device he was looking for
  20. seeming like Toei And Funimation pulled the plug on Toonami Having One Piece since Demarco said it was out of their control....
  21. what angers me the most is that we only got Ennies Lobby And Thriller Bark those were the only two big story arcs we got....nothing else and we end on a stupid spa island filler
  22. i think things would be better if one piece didn't have such a garbage time slot(anyone who honestly expects much from A 1:30 AM slot is insane)i think as soon as OP got shoved into that slot it was all downhill from there not really easy getting anyone to stay up for any show at 1:30 AM
  23. i think some of you are a little too optimistic to think OP will ever return....and honestly if i have to wait several years for it to come back I'm not gonna bother waiting...might as well just watch it online cause this is bullshit No Way would toonami do a jump back and bring back one piece after like DBZ Kai FC Or Sam Jack Ends
  24. usually when one show leaves and another enters the new one takes the formers slot
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