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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. did anyone else think of rick and morty every time they heard Jeri?
  2. what if toonami said "Hey You Better Go Watch Out Scarjo Playing The Butt Major In Ghost In The Shell Movie!"
  3. and one that really wasn't needed plot wise i guess it just seems like adult swim played it way too much because with so few episodes compared to everything else it feels more like pointless padding with a show that won't lock down a slot for every long
  4. i honestly think adult swim played fooly cooly far too much for such a short series.... it's way too easy to burn out on that when adult swim loves it so much
  5. remember when adult swim ran this show far into the ground like Cowboy Bebop And Fooly Cooly?
  6. funny as thriller bark's been dead for awhile so it should have been wrapped up long ago i do wonder what would become of thriller bark once the straw hats leave...it's doubtful it would remain in shambles forever someone's gotta use it for something
  7. i wonder if toonami would lose much if they got rid of one piece it's so far behind that i doubt anyone pays attention to it's standing on toonami
  8. there is something seriously wrong with you.....
  9. stuff like super mansion makes me wish toonami wasn't just one day a week....because crap like that is around every other night
  10. doesn't help that the toonami preview was of that very last scene
  11. weird creatures are women and women are secretly dudes yeah
  12. most of the time I'm fine with what i get i don't spam the threads asking for bikini centric episodes or anything like Mochi does with his gay fantasy posts
  13. anyone else think rat kid's voice doesn't fit that appearance?
  14. you say that about every shows characters you wish these guys were gay or these characters were lesbians
  15. and then those allies call you trash over the mic and throw the game
  16. wonder how many people kept thinking Kurapika was a woman
  17. this show awkwardly doesn't feel like it belongs on The Adult Section
  18. Adult Swim Relies so heavily upon Fox Reruns and cheaply made stoner shows that any other night except saturday is like torture it's amazing that adult swim can get so popular just from family guy reruns and other shows they didn't even make....
  19. i wonder if the ghost in the shell movie will be worth this
  20. even if it was a batman anime?
  21. anyone else think toonami tonight has been rather crappy? like nothing of importance has happened at all it just seems like one big filler night for the most part Hunter X Hunter was the worst
  22. i have A Fro and I'm white
  23. also for a kids website they sure had some dark stories like the Darigan War one
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