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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. yes yes we know how upset this show makes you for it's one gay character...you don't have to shove it in our face all the time God....Your like a broken record
  2. i figured as much but doesn't change the fact that one piece seems to stall a lot of the time and flashbacks take up a good chunk of every episode no matter how brief it's like the worst long runner ever when it comes to pacing
  3. everyone else was pointless though so in a way it's still padding I'm just a little tired of every one piece episode being mostly made up of flashbacks and scenes that don't really do anything exept stall the plot
  4. yup business as usual for one piece when they started padding the episode with shots of no name characters getting their shadows back i should have known the confrontation with Kuma would be brief and saved for the next episode
  5. Description says "Kuma Causes Panic On The Island" Doesn't happen until the last few minutes and all that happens is he stares at them for awhile and then takes out several guys before targeting zoro To Be Continued
  6. how did hogback survive being stepped on?!
  7. the fam keeps missing DBZ Super Because they were so used to toonami starting at 11:00 that the 10:30 Start takes some getting used to again
  8. man tonight's been eh....I Think The Best Shows have been Jojo And Gundam Unicorn HXH's Tower Arc has just gotten too tiresome and Naruto isn't even Naruto Anymore it's just the adventures of Sasuke at least One Piece has something interesting even if these are 9 year old episodes...
  9. why is this still on toonami? i almost feel like one piece has a greater legacy than naruto
  10. i just love it how Gon doesn't really think twice about fighting a serial killer who can and possibly will kill him at some point if Gon doesn't wise up
  11. Well I Think Long Runners are the most popular...soooo
  12. ya know even if moria won then what? the shadows would be gone and He'd have to start from scratch again and thriller bark would still be in ruins it's a little disappointing that while Thriller Bark Seemed to give the straw hats more trouble than Ennies Lobby the final battle wasn't anything compared to Luffy's brawl against Lucci Gecko Moria went down easier than his lackeys but that's probably because his hand was forced and he couldn't do anything else
  13. shows you how crazy some fans really are.... i brought it up because it is about as WTF as this one piece ending...though that spidey ending lasted a couple years and made spider-man out to be a merciless asshole soooo yeah....
  14. i mean one piece is one of the longest running anime's and yet it's just "Meh" In The USA simply because it came after DBZ and had to be introduced by 4Kids DBZ Gets Super Special Treatment on everything but One Piece is like that show Toonami can't care to give a crap about....the one time they gave it a marathon was a bunch of Post Ennies Lobby Filler.... how the hell is that fair?!....it's the last toonami premiere of the night and is just treated like "Meh Here's One Piece" But DBZ Gets huge banners and crap to celebrate every story arc or whatever what a rip
  15. it's just sad how One Piece has been treated in The United States From The 4Kids Incident to It's Eventual Landing Spot On Cartoon Network's Toonami To Where We Are Now.... what pisses me off about this is that this is something that would have never happened to DBZ a series that gets more love than any other anime you can think of...something that has always been on the air in some shape or form but one piece? it's had several periods where it was nowhere to be found on american television!
  16. yeah the writer(Dan Slott)Got A Couple death threats after the issue where he killed off peter parker and inserted doc ock into the role of spider-man
  17. yeah it actually did and it resulted in a lot of negative feedback from the community after ASM#700 came the series superior spider-man which dealt with Doctor Octopus who had swapped bodies with peter parker(leaving him to die in his old withered body)becoming spider-man and doing what he saw as being superior to anything Peter could ever accomplish google it...it's quite interesting that it actually happened and the superior story lasted for like 32 or 33 issues(don't remember the exact number right now)
  18. that ending is about as WTF as The Ending to Amazing Spider-Man#700 where Peter Parker Dies and is replaced by Doc Ock...for a couple years
  19. little disappointed that to get the shadows back now all they gotta do is simply knock moria out rather than putting them into a spot where they have to willingly give everything up or be destroyed
  20. i agree the fact that DBZ is the only anime that they even give a shot at an earlier time is insane...that's already a proven name! why not promote stuff you haven't promoted like crazy?
  21. get onto one piece already I'm bored of this garbo
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