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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. hopefully....but i feel like adult swim has given up on one piece and won't trust toonami with that anymore after the ratings bomb it became
  2. no shit i actually lost sleep over this it pissed me off so bad....
  3. you can stream the english dub of one piece so it wouldn't be that different
  4. feels like it's been forever since AOT was regularly discussed online
  5. problem with that theory is most people speculate one piece returning in a couple years but nobody has the patience for that....and even af it returns next year that's still too long to expect fans to hold out instead of streaming the series
  6. yeah i hear ya ben.....Just makes me wish the manga volumes were easier to get ahold of in person around where i live.... but hey We'll just see how toonami does without A Iconic Status Symbol like One Piece on the block....One Piece will be around but will toonami?
  7. I'm just sad about this because to me One Piece was my reward for staying up so long on saturday night Naruto isn't as good of a reward to me so it just encourages me to go to sleep early... this also hurts a lot because One Piece can never catch a break on american television and it seems like unless your DBZ You Won't be Popular on TV(there are some rare exceptions but they are pretty damn rare)
  8. but i guess they can't due to costs....and sadly at this point you gotta ask yourself "what does toonami offer you that you can't get anywhere elser?" moves like removing one piece might as well say "Hey You Like this show? then go stream it online" and by that point they've already quit watching toonami and have subbed it out for viewing animes online nobody's gonna want to watch toonami if they start cutting out your favorite shows and replace them with Edgy Stuff or stuff that was relevant a couple years ago
  9. this is more depressing now knowing one piece's toonami fate...
  10. what? Demarco straight up said that the decision to remove one piece was out of their control and against their wishes on twitter basically translating to "The Higher Ups Got sick of their beloved anime tanking the ratings and told them to knock it off" there is no way in hell Funimation told them to quit it or Toei as that would just give them less of a vehicle to advertise
  11. that was before adult swim put it's foot down and got sick of it's shit i don't think they'll hesitate to knock down the doors and fire people's asses if they try to keep naruto down there for two years
  12. yeah now your kinda forced to if you wanna support the series(that or buy the manga's and they are on Volume 82 in May...) i kinda feel like this is america's fault since they can't handle any anime that isn't nonstop explosions or constant action it's why the ghost in the shell movie was dumbed down to the point where the story is "Derp They made me into a robot monster so i must kill them and run in like female rambo!!!"
  13. i just think they need more then DBZ leading the pack We've Had DBZ Leading The Pack For Decades in America it's rather cliche and expected at this point to ride on DBZ's coattails i think toonami's at it's best when it has a mix of Proven Classics and New Shows you can't let one overtake the other if there's too many new shows then the block will be riding all it's hopes and dreams on DBZ more so than ever before if there are too many classics then there's a chance of things getting stale you gotta balance it out and have the Top Tier New Shows and classics that people want to tune in for
  14. I'm not given any proof that toonami is invincible or is in the clear for the next few years
  15. they got tokyo ghoul long after it stopped being relevant so i wouldn't say that's A Top Tier Choice(especially since feedback on it's second season is super negative among it's fans) it's just Edge Lord The Anime
  16. If Naruto takes up the 1:30 AM slot that One piece held then it's not gonna survive much longer since it's ratings weren't all that great either no way it survives a year in that time slot
  17. I've seen toonami die Once before and it all started with one thing that led to another Naruto's already on the chopping block so that leaves 2 DBZ Shows HXH And Jojo as the big time players on the block since there are rumors Jojo's leaving soon anyways That Means The Block will be held up by 2 DBZ Shows And HXH....take HXH out of the equation and you now have A Block Held up by Severe 90's Nostalgia from Raging DBZ Fanboys
  18. some people speculate that if one piece were to return it would be in a couple years but my problem with that is the future of toonami is uncertain nobody knows if it'll be around in 2 years or even 1 year We've seen toonami die before and it could very well happen again We've seen the downfall of anime blocks before so this would be nothing new
  19. DBZ is a ratings blockbuster so i guess they figured back to back DBZ would help toonami out in the long run I'm glad to have seen thriller bark but I have my doubts toonami will be around in 2 years since It'll be hard to keep toonami fresh and keep people coming back if we come to a point where DBZ is the only major player on the rotation
  20. toonami's not gonna be around in 2-3 years i imagine so we should make the best of what we have left hell i doubt by next year toonami will still be here it's always the small things that start the beginning of the end
  21. I'm just more encouraged to watch one piece online and just go to sleep early because if all toonami has to offer me at the end is Naruto....then it's not worth staying up late
  22. why do we even need any other animes then on the block if Just The Two DBZ Shows are all that get acknowledged and don't have crap ratings after awhile? just make it the DBZ Block and get it over with...i know that's what adultswim wants as it's best for business
  23. Toonami just giving me more reasons to go to bed sooner.... whatever it's not like it matters anyways the ratings will be garbage aside from Samurai Jack And Both DBZ Shows
  24. you must have a lot of patience to return for naruto of all things that's like returning for a wet diaper
  25. but what long runners can replace those? 2 DBZ Shows And HXH will not keep toonami afloat
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