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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. because advertisers would have thrown a fit regardless
  2. let's be fair....a majority of the people here came for toonami discussions and Adult Swim Originals wouldn't get anymore attention even if the two sub-forums were merged it doesn't help that so much of Adult swim's original content is low budget garbage
  3. And His Daughter is Big Chungus
  4. who here will be getting it?
  5. yeah it's like they wanna celebrate christmas earlier and earlier....most people don't even think about halloween until the very last minute because it's just seen as a kids holiday
  6. it is quite a dumpster fire....i don't know why the people over there are like that
  7. they have all the episodes on youtube
  8. not really....i mean the final season was shit but the first two were fine i suppose it depends on what episodes You've seen
  9. notice how whenever they promote some new music streaming it's always some no new artists they try to convince us are some of our favorites
  10. do you guys think anime fans like this shit?
  11. has anyone else seen this animated series before? it can be quite good but the final season is to be avoided at all costs
  12. the other site i discuss this on...i wonder if their just getting bored of this show or something(EP 1-8 over there had 10-13 pages a topic and now it can barely muster eight pages...)
  13. it's simply gamefaqs and the toonami sub-forum that's it basically ....i don't know what's up with them but they seem elitist as can be
  14. who the hell knows....but when i brought it up to another person they told me to stop focusing on him and to focus on making myself a better person because he saw me as being negative in anyway to influence those people to act so rude to me i even tried to contact the person who was being extra shitty to me and he kept responding with a message that said *message archived* and told me it's because if he had anything to say to me he'd do it where everyone else can see it.... i was treated as the bad guy yesterday for simply trying to take the load off someone who already had an enormous backlog of their own to go through and was already doing recaps for OPM And Demon Slayer....even he was like "Nice Going Dude!" and created another jojo topic after i made mine cause he's always done the jojo topics and as such nobody else can do them so i had to close mine because i wasn't him.... another time i had someone rip away the SAO Alice ODT Duties because i kept making wise cracks about it(like calling it sword fart online)and wasn't doing the best job at recapping the previous episodes
  15. Wish I'd see such wholesome responses to me over there but considering my blocked list is gigantic i don't know that's gonna happen(someone said it's my behavior that's led to me having a large blocked list...)
  16. I Think what really sucks is that no company ever seems to give a crap about halloween and if they have to...they'll put in the bare minimum amount of work for it but christmas? they'll go all out! they all seem so eager to just push halloween off a cliff if it meant christmas took it's place in the spotlight
  17. it's the only place where i can actually discuss all the things I'm into and get a consistent response Reddit is hit or miss...especially since it doesn't take much to tick off some people and get downvoted to oblivion I've been there since 2006 and even now it's been hard for me to find a place where the people are nicer and responses don't take too long to show up regardless i wish i knew why they have to be such dicks about something so stupid like this.....perhaps their toxic attitudes are the reason why most people don't want to do the ODT's for the toonami shows i mean i had made the jojo topic and they got on my ass for doing it instead of the guy who called dibs then that guy made another topic and said mine was invalid...while someone else said no matter what I'd do it wouldn't be the real topic the hell?
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1j1ely4YoY
  19. and now i have someone on there acting like Doctor Phil and telling me i have a problem....and he's monitor my progress what....he thinks i need to be more positive and never negative...that me being negative at any time is what causes these people to screech at me and want to get into fights with me over the internet
  20. hell if i know...what pisses me off is after this whole incident someone had the audacity to claim i was the source of all the problems and i needed an attitude adjustment...me! not the guy who got mad at me for being robbed and almost murdered because it led to a crappy ODT for fire force...no apparently I'm to blame for him being an ass
  21. yeah it really does seem that way....I Run The Fire Force ODT Every week over there and the first few weeks they were on my ass cause my topics weren't up to their standards
  22. me neither....when i tried to privately confront the person who was always hating on me about this he refused to say anything and later stated that if he had anything to say to me He'd do it where everyone can see it.....someone else said it was kinda my fault because this guy is irritated at how negative i am about stuff like ratings(usually ranting about nielsen boxes once in awhile)and that's why he hates my guts and that i should try being more positive on the forums and maybe adding in some jokes to turn around his attitude towards me but that doesn't explain why he had the audacity to get on my case one week for an iffy odt because i dared to get robbed and almost murdered in my own house.....
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