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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. came here to say this.
  2. this.
  3. golf shoes. for traction. i need those, right?
  4. rpg better?
  5. you need to get better dreams.
  6. clicktivist. or is that like so 2015?
  7. and for fuck sake stop staring...
  8. another post from me!
  9. thank you. i was confused on this as well.
  10. whatever. i'm going to bed. i'm too old for this shit.
  11. i'm sorry, but i don't actually speak any english. i'm just imitating sounds that i've heard. i know it really sounds like i speak the language, but i promise you i have absolutely no idea what i'm saying right now.
  12. https://www.etsy.com/listing/180479690/steampunk-pin-silver-spider-brooch?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=&ref=sr_gallery_22
  13. had no idea what that meant until i started dating my now wife. she claims to not really remember the first 6 months or so that we were together... she smoked a lot..
  14. you're important to someone. i'm sure. probably.
  15. i'm still not an owl...
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HosyxvZ81NY
  17. polyamory always just seemed like a lot of work to me. dirty, dirty, work...
  18. well fuck...
  19. i believe the dragonborn is the reincarnation of Talos.
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