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Age of S'jet

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Everything posted by Age of S'jet

  1. hey at least one person is buying it actually misaka is buying it too dude keeps down voting me on every post lul
  2. anti-social.
  3. I did. Thanks to this motley crew of people honestly, and another friend of mine. I mean you retards were a part of it, but being forced out frequently helped and now I'm out every weekend. I firmly believe you can change yourself in that regard.
  4. way too introverted waaaay too introverted i can't deal with these introverted people as i used to be one myself i never wanna go back down that path she was gorgeous like literally perfect, but holy shit was she boring.
  5. BECAUSE SHOWMANSHIP. It's about the community! It's about artist caring about their music and their fans. I saw slipknot recently during Knotfest and I have seen A LOT of shows over the years. Actually been counting. 46 shows since 2008. Best performance I've ever seen.
  6. Prove me wrong. Most of you have shit taste in music.
  7. While I was working a couple of years ago, me and my childhood friend worked together and we always get ourselves into stupid shit, or come up with dumb ideas. We thought of buying domain names and selling them. Well we struck gold when I realized "Tattoodwhores.com" was available. We sold it for 2k and split the cash. I don't think anyone has done anything with the domain yet either. Interestingly enough, before we sold it and while I owned it, I started getting mail for the site, I guess whoever owned it before was literally going to shoot porn, because I kept getting camera and furniture catalogues, , and other types of shit.
  8. ahahahahahah thats gold. im glad im still an immature fuck.
  9. last weekend it was raining and i was drunk at my friends house went out to smoke a cig and wrote "No fat chicks" on his hood with the palm of my hand, that font was BIG. just got a snap from him, its raining, the oil from myhand is acting like rainex and its still on his car i fucking cant
  10. happy birthday you fucking old fuck
  11. why do you even post? literally everyone just makes fun of you or fucks with you
  12. woah woah i thought it was the eye of round
  13. Hahahahaha you get used to it after awhile. Sorry for that one. Honestly jawn started probably when i was in like highschool, from like 2003 - 07? it was def my HS generation in philly that sparked it somehow it wound up in NYC after spreading to jersey. now it's in rap and mainstream because of meek
  14. sounds like you bought a permanent hairy forever toddler and you can't even take care of yourself
  15. nah they fucking suck bro well at least dog culture does they smell bad, hair everywhere, annoying, the only people they're not annoying to is the brainwashed retard who bought it and fell for it because they're brainless oafs with a sick dominatrix fetish
  16. also thanks for the desk name /sarcasm
  17. ok so that post is glitched and i can't even edit it @Quackers WHAT IS UP WITH THAT CABLE MANAGEMENT IN YOUR COMPUTER Fucking disgusting 🤮
  18. yea we steal literally everything i got one for u that it local to philly, it isnt even on urban dictonary dickate verb when you intentionally go out of your way to either make people laugh, or slight someone else for comedic purposes, or just to better yourself i.e telling your boy that you're gonna slid in the dms of the girl he's talking to "lmfao stop dickeating bro" doesn't make much sense but neither does 'jawn' either.
  20. lmao slaps i love the words you use its like you're from philly.
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