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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Just gotta hang the tinsel up around my living room window and set up my little "village" on my shelf in the living room. All the lights and stuff are up. Yay.
  2. I've had places send me that e-mail 6+ months after I applied, long after I forgot I even applied. Also I once started applying to CVS but eventually gave up because it was like a 2+ hour online assessment for a shitty call center job and I decided it wasn't worth it. They kept e-mailing me saying my profile would expire and progress would be lost after a certain date. But then they just kept e-mailing me inviting me to finish the application.
  3. Nah it's fine. This guy can be an ass sometimes, and his mental illness doesn't excuse that.
  4. She knows that he does stuff like this. He does it with everybody. It was my work phone that he was calling. I work for a mental health agency and the man is mentally ill it's kind of the name of the game.
  5. I mean he is mentally ill. It's not like he's threatening me. Just calling over and over. Not even leaving a message or anything other than like, one or two voicemails.
  6. Not really but this dude loves it.
  7. I mean he is very mentally ill so he may think he can't walk but he can and it's best to not enable him. Also he knows that certain people will eventually give into him if he keeps it up. I used to be one of them but I'm getting sick of his shit. I'll see him once a week and that's it.
  8. If my supervisor found out I'd be in so much trouble. Might still be worth it some days.
  9. I did when I first started but once you get to know him you realize when he's just trying to take advantage and that's what he was doing. You have to set limits with some people or they'll walk all over you.
  10. Nope he's in his 40's or 50's and in perfectly good health.
  11. I put my phone on do not disturb after the first dozen or so times so I figured he'd get the message that I was more or less done for the week since this started at 3pm on a Friday. But he kept calling. What matter was so pressing that he had to keep calling? He wanted me to take him to the McDonald's that's a five minute walk from his house to get a coffee. He does stuff like this pretty much weekly. I didn't realize I was a goddamn taxi.
  12. Looks like they're like 20-30 bucks on Amazon. Imma find one to put on my Christmas list.
  13. I need to get one of those. My mom has one I used to use when I was a kid but idk if I trust it, it's older than me and I don't think it has auto shut-off. I have a hot water bottle but that's just too much work.
  14. Well your family just sounds lovely.
  15. Sounds like that's all you really can do, man. You can't always be the mediator for your family. Let them do what they're gonna do and support the ones that need it.
  16. Does your sibling have a plan or means to do it? When it comes to suicide there are 4 major things you need to consider: Ideation, intent, plan, and means. If someone has all 4 then you have a psychiatric emergency and need to call 911. Ideation or just saying "I'm going to kill myself" isn't really an issue in and of itself, even though it may seem like it. It can become one so you still need to talk to and support the person but it's not really anything to freak out about. If I had to call 911 every time one of my clients said something vaguely suicidal 75% of them would be going to the ER like, every day. And then 99.99% of that 75% would get sent home because they are not a danger to themselves. A lot of people have passive suicidal ideation almost all the time but have no intent of actually doing it. Some people just threaten suicide for attention but still don't have intent. Saying "I'm going to kill myself" is way different than saying something like "I am going to shoot myself in the head with the gun that I own at 9 pm tonight". Though people usually don't make things that clear you can directly ask someone who expresses suicidal ideation more about it; ask directly how they would do it and whatnot. It's a common misconception (one I used to have myself) that talking about suicide is a trigger but it's not really. As Vamped said, people usually just want to talk. So once you've established that they are not actually a threat to themselves, you can just talk to them and help them deescalate.
  17. What's the point of having more money if you have no free time to use it. Also usually when I think of someone with 2 jobs I do not think of someone that has a lot of money I think of a poor person.
  18. What's wrong with you man.
  19. I had this huge biscuit bowl thing from Bob Evans for breakfast (Well, it was at like 2 pm but it was my first meal). A biscuit like 4 times the size of a normal one with home fries, eggs, cheese, jalapeno, and some kind of sauce. Probably had like 2000 calories but I don't think I'll need to eat again all day and it was so damn good I have no regrets.
  20. But only 125 calories each, bro.
  21. Shut ur mouth peanut butter chocolate is amazing.
  22. I figured you meant it as a joke <_< But I've seen others try to use it as an insult. Keyword "try".
  23. They're very crumbly they'd fall apart if you tried that. Actually they'd probably be rock hard by then from being so stale. You'd break a tooth.
  24. Where did this using "NPC" as an insult thing come from. This is like the 3rd time this week I've seen that.
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