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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. It's pretty neato Mine has rainbow backlight O:
  2. Now I can type super loudly Click click click
  3. I'm not necessarily saying this person is just waiting, just saying if it were me I would wait to claim the money.
  4. Something like a third of lottery winners go bankrupt within 3 years because they think the same thing. Gotta consider how you're going to manage that money without drawing too much attention to yourself. You need time to find a financial advisor, lawyer, etc. If you want to make sure you don't blow through the money.
  5. You have 180 days to claim the prize. You can stay anonymous but there are a lot of things to consider when you win that much money at once.
  6. Could be someone getting all their ducks in a row before they claim it, and they're trying to draw less attention by waiting. Or someone lost their ticket. There's still time left for them to claim it.
  7. I fucking love Christmas. So glad I don't have to work it this year. Would be better if I could take real vacation time and not have to work at all next week. Had I started a few weeks earlier I'd be eligible for vacation.
  8. Damn you chasing cougars now? You're slipping, man...
  9. But idk for sure if it was the client that got me sick or just a placebo effect/confirmation bias. Plus I've been in contact with several sick clients so I can't be sure which one it was also all the sick ones are some of my favorites.
  10. MAKE ME
  11. Wow thanks I'm cured
  12. When I first started this job I had an upper respiratory thing for like, 2 weeks.
  13. So many of my clients are sick and you know how sometimes when ur around suck ppl you can just feel yourself getting sick right then and there? Happened to me on Monday and now I'm starting to feel a tickle in my throat and a headache that won't go away.
  14. I don't get vacation time yet but I get a half day Christmas Eve and am "working from home" day after Christmas. I'll trade u.
  15. Need to get one of these types of signs and put it somewhere the bartenders can see it
  16. I had some wine earlier
  17. Make a better movie right now.
  18. A Quiet Place was great ur crazy
  19. Sorry to Bother You: 92% Rotten Tomatoes (71% Audience score), 80% Metacritic Spiderverse: 97% Rotten Tomatoes (95% Audience score), 85% Metacritic
  20. I never really eat steak. My parents always used to take theirs medium well so that's how I always took mine for the longest time. Then last night I went to hibachi with my coworkers and got a meal that included steak. Decided to try mine medium and I may start getting steak more often now. But medium instead of medium well <_<
  21. There's not really much open space let anywhere, no.
  22. Yeah I've looked at the pictures of places that are over 1000 square feet and don't know what I'd do with all that space.
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