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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Gonna get even more once I get my W-2's. Cha-ching.
  2. Yay Still waiting on my W-2's for both places I worked at in 2016 but I got my 1099 for the unemployment benefits I received and apparently get $72 back for that.
  3. I pooped twice I think the supplement is working now. Working a little too well.
  4. Haven't pooped today or yesterday and I take a fiber supplement every day. I need to go soon.
  5. Nah. Just my Sylveon hat
  6. I saw them edit the schedule in front of me and give me the two days off <_< I'll just call off if they end up scheduling me anyway >_>
  7. It's been getting bigger every year. This will be the 4th year I've gone.
  8. https://animarathon.com
  9. It is. I have some pics of me wearing it but they're from like 4 years ago <_<
  10. To which part going to the convention or getting the weekend off by just asking
  11. Gordon would get way too overstimulated this it's a pretty big event and has only gotten bigger every year. It's held at my alma mater and this is the first year it's been a two day event. I'm guessing within the next couple years they'll need to find another venue it's started to outgrow the student union. I'll probably just wear my Sylveon hat <_<
  12. I'm not a weeb I'm just going to look at all the weebs
  13. Yay I got the weekend off just by asking even though it wasn't my scheduled weekend off.
  14. Did u know that if u drink the liquid in a Magic 8 Ball you can see the future? My friend did it and said he was gonna die and then he did.
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