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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Haters may hate, but I'm still your father, Becky.
  2. >"100+ years ago" >1930's Did the alcohol remove your ability to do simple math or something. And you claim to work in a school Jesus Christ
  3. H&R block still wanted to charge $29.99 for "free" filing so I stuck with TurboTax. But it keeps telling me my return is rejected because my AGI is wrong even though I'm going by what was on my return last year. So I might have to file by mail. Yaaay.
  4. Sorry that $4 was my entire ramen fund
  5. That's why I'm going to avoid it if at all possible. I just hope I can log-in once I get the code in the mail. I forget what it was but I remember one time I tried to log in to some service's online system that needed a phone number to verify but it wouldn't accept my phone number (Probably because I'm on my dad's plan or something idk but it was annoying).
  6. Hey I understand your pain now I just checked my differed comp and I lost $4 my life is over.
  7. I just re-entered it with the same info. Let's see what happens. I tried to log in to the IRS website but I guess they need to send me a verification code my mail. Which can take 5-10 days.
  8. Oh and now my return got rejected because TurboTax says the IRS needs my AGI from 2016 to verify my identity, and the one I entered doesn't match what was on my return from 2016. Even though I can pull up my 2016 return and see that it does indeed match.
  9. State is free, too. It's charging me for "Plus" benefits. Like transferring my information that I had to change anyway because I moved and changed jobs.
  10. Also apparently TurboTax "Free" edition is actually $29.99. Fuck that noise off to H&R Block I go.
  11. Just seems like a drastic difference for only $5000 extra
  12. I am. I still don't understand why the difference is so drastic. I entered the W2 from previous employer and when I saw the $121 I thought cool 121 more dollars on top of the $548 I'm already getting. Then saw that was actually my new total refund.
  13. Dammit But why is it so much lower. I made about 25k at my current employer and only about 5k at the previous one. I understand why it's so much higher if I only include the previous employer since 5k is such a low amount I'm probably getting everything back. But why does going from 25k to 30k make my refund go down so much.
  14. I'm still getting money either way. You don't technically have to file unless you owe, right? Can I leave out one of my W2's to get a higher refund or is that fraud since I'm not supposed to get such a big refund?
  15. Finally got my W2 from my previous employer. Entered it into TurboTax and my federal refund went from $548 to $121. Figured that couldn't be right. Removed previous employer W2 and re-entered it. Same thing. Wondered if previous employer fucked something up and I owed because of that? Removed current employer W2. Refund went up to $876. What
  16. If it had all regular seats I think it would have been a 16 passenger van. I think it can hold like 4 wheelchairs or something but I just drove it with one person in a wheelchair and one other person.
  17. Bigger than what I usually drive
  18. Well that's just an example the actual one wasn't that tinted
  19. Too many windows to be a rape van
  20. No she's in a wheelchair
  21. One like this Fun times. Never driven anything that big and I had to drive a client and one of my coworkers. Nobody died so that's a plus.
  22. I don't have $800 in investments to begin with.
  23. A decent amount and he plays by himself...He has a ton of energy though he likes to play fetch with us and he just keeps playing and playing and playing...
  24. He is fixed. I would never have an adult male cat in my house that wasn't fixed.
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