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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. thats the exact one im subscribed too
  2. agreed that is actually a good movie and puts the perspective on do you wana lose those memories or not
  3. zeni youre a fat ugly autistic fuck you shouldve been an abortion and its why your mom is now an alcoholic and your dad left
  4. -bump anyway; about a month or so ago a science channel I subscribed to on youtube did a video about it now you have to realize 1. we are not even a tier 1 civilization so we wont be able to reach tier 2 projects and tier 3 is only theory now another bigger answer to the fermi paradox could be answered using our own perspective take the cold war for example if it went another way we couldve potentially cleared out earth now we can potentially say another advanced race couldve faced similar problems we did before reaching tier and was their own downfall
  5. nope youre wrong
  6. idk walk hard was pretty spot on where it is
  7. john wick was surprisingly good I need to watch the second one
  8. you are wrong
  9. never heard of them
  10. never saw them if they are foreign then automatic no
  11. they were all awful and rightfully rated as awful
  12. no pixar movie is ever underrated
  13. those all sucked
  14. who are you?
  15. its tuberculous
  16. id go in for your regular scheduled shift since he didnt contact back
  17. saw them live twice one of the times was with acia strain in Rochester NY
  18. im the metal lover of these boards now
  19. thats a red flag right there
  20. there has been talks about this whole new epoch we are in im sure we are into the Anthropocene now just how they will define it in the future for the numbers wise it what will change but dont worry according to trump's friends sea level rise doesnt even exist
  21. it makes me wonder how long it will last though and how many other classics they plan on airing
  22. we arnt debating that
  23. never saw the first the second one isnt underrated or overrated its on track
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