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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. Hm.. those are pretty wide, might wanna crop em to a square
  2. Maybe link to the file/gif if you can to see what's up
  3. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Game totally trolled me on Valentine's, still no Chansey here Haven't seen Wobbufet around here yet but he's in the game Also when a player puts a weak/base pokemon in a gym I wonder if it's a strategy to bait another team's player to defeat it so that they fight back and retake it, or to make it easy for a friendly to power it up
  4. How large is it? I've actually had an instance where even a jpeg below a certain size was not being accepted, had to use one at least around 150px or so, I think.. I've been able to use gifs with no problem at other times
  5. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Current Sakura candidate... Finally caught Cyndaquil, also Croconaw, Teddiursa Also different appearances based on gender I think are confirned, Wobbufet is one example according to my brother in law
  6. Running to Sonic music duh For real tho I did try biking in tempo with this song, it's hard
  7. Here, shit on my chair
  8. Also my geetar is deep red
  9. I think it depends on the object.. like with paint colors I like pthalo blue, but when it comes to sneakers I tend to like reds
  10. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Supposedly trading and player v player are coming soon.. Reminder the storage upgrade is only on sale til the end of the month
  11. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Is it bad if I want Espeon to be a girl? All my Eevees are dudes Yeh got a couple Houndour, dexed a (sadly) weakass Ursaring last night (easy catch, but useless now)
  12. Local Thrifty offers decent stuff at a discount when it's out of season, got 6 pack of Goose Oktoberfest last time fir $5
  13. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Yeah same here, looking for a better candidate
  14. I don't have that, but I've woken with a literal dead arm from sleeping weird, that shit scary too
  15. I am convinced if the Werehog was just replaced with Knuckles (with said story adjustments) the game's rep would've been way higher.
  16. *PS360, Empire City just wernt on Wii
  17. Watching this ep on DVR, Laboon's squeaking is partially confusing my cat
  18. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Oh yeah, name your Eevee Sakura for Espeon, Tamao for Umbreon
  19. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    I only got boy Pikas also, could check around I suppose..
  20. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    My brolaw seemed to be seeing more Gen 1 rares, if only that were the case here.. guessing all Legendaries are reserved for special events, one question is whether teams will factor in to what you can get, and if they'd encourage trading that way.. Saw a Tyranitar in a local gym, evolution stones come from 7 Day Poke Stop spins Still haven't seen Cyndaquil.. friggin fire types man
  21. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Tonight's new catches
  22. For anyone in LA, special premiere event
  23. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Nanab berry slows 'em down Latest 10k egg was Sudowoodo They added purchasable clothes Funny how you can go shoeless, wandering warrior style
  24. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    All of my recent: Saw two Blisseys in a local gym.. a player I met reported Chansey was supposedly 'common' in another area of Brooklyn last week.. WELL NOT HERE Also now I get it, there's day and night music now *caught Yanma and Houndour
  25. Yea went w friends to the nearest Barcade for my birfday once, played through the original TMNT arcade game
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