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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. I wanted to check that show out but I still haven't
  2. I don't own any nets
  3. Bump S3 is subtitled "Outsiders"
  4. [Youtube]
  5. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Yeah Nanab is hardly necessary most of the time, wouldn't be so useless if it also had the properties of a Razz
  6. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    You do the dump, whatever you need least; non-max potions, pokeballs, non Pinaps, etc I for one ain't gonna sacrifice all the XP of a 7 day streak for nuthin plus evo item Man gym activity can be so unpredictable, would not have guessed I coulda claimed four defenders instead of just two today Cool they finally (recently) fixed the eggs so you know when/where you got them
  7. I still wonder where Ashi kept her kunai
  8. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    I think at a certain point everybody gets a shot at it would be the idea Yeah I'm wondering how the players mechanic would work, what if somehow you're the only one that shows up But I've also heard they wanna overhaul the game to be more like a traditional Pokemon game, like this year, guess we'll see what hapon Also, it appears Johto starters are finally hatchable, from 5k eggs..
  9. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    I haven't seen Mime, Corsola or Farfetch'd in a gym, my brolaw saw a Mime in a gym in Ohio. He may or may not get a chance to go to Florida in the summer I still think there could be some interesting ways they could make like, a regionals event.. supposedly down the line the way to obtain legendaries will require teams of players to fight in a specific spot at a specific time, like that time they showed Mewtwo in Times Square in that promo. Maybe regionals could be similar, or you obtain a Passport item or some such. I liked the idea of regionals spontaneously being unlocked during April 1st, but of course that didn't happen lol Other commento- it's annoying when you get a low CP high stat Pokemon, much of the time I feel like it's better to choose a strong (as opposed to amazing) Pokemon with a high CP to evolve.. waiting on Typhlosion, still need candeh and better Cyndaquil. Cannot seem to hatch an amazing Rhyhorn, very annoying Also wanna power up my Dragonite but I have almost enough candy for another one, current one only has Dragon moves (Tail/Outrage).. prolly end up walking with her. Got three Upgrades sitting around, almost enough Porygon candy to evolve another P2.. also might help if they told us exactly how much longer the current event is gonna last.. (edit, seems like maybe it ended around a quarter to 9 or so)
  10. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    My cousin apparently has four Miltanks o_0 Yeah 7 day guarantees one but you can spin an item at random whenever, got my third Metal Coat last night My only 10k 2k so far was a Skarmory, still need another King's Rock for Politoed (evo'd Slowking), got one each of the rest (Bellossom, Scizor, Steelix, Sunflora, Kingdra; named my female Seadra Queendra). Hatched a duplicate Lee Tyrogue last night and added it to my first Lucky Egg mass evo, now my only remaining [regional] Kanto Pokemon is Aerodactyl. Recently dexed Sneasel and Elekid from the 2ks as well. Freakin' Granbull has been on my tracker like five times, for various reasons haven't been able to catch it yet, Snubbull isn't as common around here. It's annoying when evos get weird moves. Charizard with no fire moves, Arcanine with dark/electric.. also kinda crazy when wild Pokemon you've caught are still largely better than evo'd ones with high stats.
  11. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Slowpoke is pretty common, he's also a normal 2k egg My brolaw hatched Miltank from a 2k earlier
  12. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Got another strong but not amazing Lickitung from a 2k earlier, need more eggs
  13. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    My brolaw hatched Growlithe and Skarmory from 2k eggs, I'm still working on this 5k before I get to mine
  14. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    The Charmander in the Lucario hoodie is quite amusing
  15. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    "A greater variety" tells me some pokemon that are usually found in 5k (and who knows, maybe rarely 10k) will hatch from 2ks acquired this week.
  16. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Easter event http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/eggstravaganza2017 Yeah bby double xp, got a shit ton of stuff to do
  17. Coffee beans are a good one, or lavender buds, I'd just dump my blankets n stuff in a pile of lavender buds Or what about infinite eggs, one egg may amount to ten cents, depending..
  18. For some fucking reason my Directv randomly decides to not record shows, mainly Toonami ones.. what the fuck is wrong with you you fucking motherfucking thing
  19. As always my hope is it eventually hits Toonami
  20. For protein, maybe Greek yogurt or scrambled eggs?
  21. Snap says sup
  22. Penny is fuzzymoosh I do my own shirts
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