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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Huh, curious.. my brolaw was seeing plenty of Grass in Ohio, but us East Coasters were perhaps affected by this..
  2. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    I would trade three Upgrades for a King's Rock right about now Yeah I only have the one Chansey so far, walked her a bit to build candy because she's not the best Chansey to evolve but who knows if I'll ever hatch another one >:[
  3. Funky Chunkettes "How do they slap all that crap into Funky Chunkettes?"
  4. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    I carelessly wiped out too many Pokemon last week, on the cusp of level up, which should help me out with revives..
  5. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    It's really practically like there's no event, I don't get what's going on Second Larvi hatch in a row, if this is the new streak I'm fine with this I feel u now raptorpat, it's like the stops know what u need and don't give it to you
  6. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    There's always an ideal moveset for each Pokemon though, so it sucks when you've been workin and got great stats but you end up with a less tjan optimal moveset. According to my tracker you wouldn't know there's a Grass event going on.. Man I badly need Revives rite na
  7. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

  8. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    That's true, even with Solar Beam Jumpluff's combat power is inherently low, just like so many other Pokemon in Go, rendered useless by default Wanting good stats is kinda more on principle than anything else Wish Ninetales had a bit higher CP, she's the only fire Pokemon I currently have with the best fire moves
  9. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    6 hour lures are back as part of the event coolest thing they could do during this event is secret rollout of Celebi Shiny Bulbasaur lol
  10. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Grass Event http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/grassweekend2017 lol Maybe I can catch a Jumpluff, only missing Grass dex cuz waiting to catch amazing Hoppip
  11. Well there is Marvel Infinite coming But I think it's weird there's still no port of X-Men and Marvel vs Street Fighter on modern systems Japanese Saturn version only arcade faithful home port
  12. Summer Ale's good Sam Adams Cherry Wheat #1 beer bread beer
  13. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Hatched three goddam Mantine in a row *uses Self-Destruct*
  14. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    lol yeah, and the Comic Book Guy in me wanted to comment that you can't purchase Pokemon in Go
  15. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    So yeah, The Simpsons did Pokemon Go in the latest episode ("Looking for Mr. Goodbart") hard to find clips at the moment
  16. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    On that note for me Charmander is still the rarest wild starter, rarer than Cynda on average But Larvitar is Rock/Ground which kinda makes its rarity more lulz
  17. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    das cold I figure Larvitar is Gen 2's Dratini, but so far Larvitar has been rarer than I've ever known Dratini to be. And yet so many players around here sport Tyranitar in gyms. Lucky hatches I guess, or lucky finds. edit- also never seen Jumpluff or Togetic
  18. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Right place right time baby
  19. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Oyeah I got a long list of Pokemon I've never seen in the wild I caught Venusaur and Blastoise long ago but to my knowledge Charizard has never appeared around here Others include- Every Eevee evo other than Flareon one time Miltank, Dragonite, Omastar, Dewgong, Pupitar, Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Meganium, Ninetales, Dugtrio, Primeape, Machamp, Cloyster, Snorlax Some other pokemon I've only briefly seen on my tracker once, never actually encountered, like Aerodactyl (only cuz of Paul Brown stadium in Cincinnati), Arcanine, Alakazam, Chansey, Flareon as mentioned, Rapidash I think
  20. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    So far there have been two Mr. Mimes in gyms around me this week.. plus another Unown I was wondering, it wouldn't surprise me if Unown is intentionally programmed to only spawn at random spots and not at Pokestops
  21. My aunt and uncle enjoyed an Alaskan cruise, for me it'd be cool to see eagles up there, or like, look for breaching sea life (done whale watching a couple times) But there's always the chance of getting a diarrhea cruise, which doesn't seem like the most fun thing, unless floating your boat floats your boat
  22. There's also red-fleshed dragon fruit Pretty blood
  23. I recently looked them up, on account of not knowing what some actually were
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