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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. My son doesn't care much for it.
  2. I have Borderlands on Vita. I hate it. Not a big fan of the series.
  3. You can keep Ecco The Dolphin though.
  4. Mortal Kombat 1-3 needs to be on there.
  5. And closer.
  6. And closer.
  7. yeah. Getting closer.
  8. Had leftovers again. That's what happens when you smoke a ham and a turkey at the same time.
  9. Great day to go fishing.
  10. when you know someone is scared. *Giggle chills*
  11. Based on the logic in this thread, yes.
  12. I do not take photographs. My spirit will become trapped in the photograph. Also, I do not know any of you weird people, so I do not wish to entrust anyone here with my personal information.
  13. I like my burgers to be blessed by a Rabbi. Once the Rabbi leaves, I slap cheese on it. On the burger. Not the Rabbi.
  14. Sawdy vs. Skiles. Who gets the win? Taking bets.
  15. My money is on the grade school children.
  16. Let's talk Irish vs. Irish. Sheamus would kill Conor. Liam Neeson would kill Conor. Colin Farrell would kill Conor. Finn Balor would kill Conor. Becky Lynch would kill Connor.
  17. Andre's ashes could kick Conor's ass.
  18. Yep. This is not the dude who would defeat Andre. Looks like his shorts are kicking his ass.
  19. There are people who know Andre would win. And then there are the people who are wrong.
  20. Andre is swinging tree trunks. His arms are as long as Conor's body. No chance for Conor. Speed does not take this fight. The giant does.
  21. You are still thinking the fight between the Big Show and Floyd Mayweather at Wrestlemania was real.
  22. Andre could kill over 100 beers and walk out on his own. He'd slap Conor all the way back to Ireland with one hit.
  23. Conor is still alive because he never faced Andre.
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