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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Kudasai-----SNES. Trigun------Ballons. Misaka-----Owls. Ginguy----Intellect. Sandstone----Intellect as well. Bnmjy-----Spoilers. Ric----Video games and karate movies. Still Me----Art work. LB-----Bacon. Disco----Respect. Mthor----Supreme being of all knowledge. Rogue-----Scrapple and Jeeps. Zombie---Mortal Kombat. Philosopher Stoned----Skateboards. Tsar4-----Knowledge of nostalgia.
  2. Evil Within also.
  3. I don't do scary games. I watch my wife play them though. Resident Evil was scary.
  4. I guess I don't have sexy dreams, because I've never once dreamed of hair.
  5. All of my posts are hot. Not lame shit like, "Here's the 548083493493493930th picture of me'' threads.
  6. How is this still ''hot?''
  7. I know nothing about anime really, but even I have heard of Inuyasha.
  8. Silent Hill. Resident Evil.
  9. Oh I know it was a gimmick. They just never went anywhere with it. Died before it had life.
  10. Guess who doesn't give a fuck?
  11. I liked it. Except the hospital level.
  12. Yo Nabs, my boy.. You have something you want to say? Say it.
  13. Oh that's what it is. A post cunt. For all the ones on the boards.
  14. Nabs is hiding. Where will you hide once I hit 500 posts?
  15. It's really been shit since the McMahon's said they were giving the people control. Just more air time for the McMahon's.
  16. They should give away a free 32X with every purchase, so you can beat it with a hammer.
  17. Jurassic Park.
  18. Beavis and Butt-head was a great game too.
  19. @NaBernie2020, come on. Stop hiding in DF. I know you saw this. I'm looking at your shit post right now. You hide on the internet. Haha. Goddamn you are weak, son.
  20. Well fuck it. Since the mods aren't gonna ban him, might as well... @NaBernie2020. You want to talk shit, do it here, you little pussy. You act like I can't see your posts in df. Bring it here you chicken shit. Rain man may or may not be lurking.....
  21. I've heard go big or go home.
  22. I am curious to see if Aleister Black and Ricochet are gonna fight for the Raw tag titles at Mania. I think they have a match for them tomorrow night. But WWE has done nothing with the recent call ups, except embarrass them.
  23. Figures. Dude has way too much time on his hands.
  24. i knew you would like that.
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