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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. I can't help you there. Dudes are ugly to me. But he looks skinnier than he used to. But we got Batista back. Who the hell cares. Batista is a bitch.
  2. I have one alt, and have never liked my own posts. I never get likes anyways.
  3. I am super ready for this week. Wrestling Monday and Tuesday night. Hall of Fame ceremony Friday night. NXT Takeover Saturday night. Wrestlemania Sunday night. Wrestling again Monday and Tuesday night. Like, 22 hours of wrestling in a week.
  4. It would be cool if the Rock showed up at Wrestlemania next Sunday.
  5. check out my post count thread. just talking shit and talking to your self.
  6. Living on the edge......albeit unintentional.
  7. I'm a little sore, but I imagine I will be feeling it tomorrow. Slipped on the algae. But I got it cleaned out. I hit the palm of my hand so hard, it bled. Didn't scratch it. Just popped it open.
  8. Speaking of asses...I busted mine today. Fell in the damn fountain. Busted my knees and my hand. Disco actually saved my life. And that is no exaggeration. She caught my head as it was about to smash some giant rocks.
  9. Post count. This got me three.
  10. Oh for shit's sake. Women do not poop.
  11. Especially considering the piece of shit it was regarding.
  12. Keeping this bitch hot.
  13. Am not. My colons explode when I poop. Shit grenades.
  14. Ass logger.
  15. LB shouldn't have caught one last week.
  16. I knew Majin was gonna catch one though. Hahaha.
  17. I can't see Ric getting banned.
  18. You need to pop that ban cherry. (And yes I am rapid replying for reasons).
  19. What is a pic?
  20. Bacon Pop.
  21. Bacon shelves.
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