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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. We have three cats. I can't touch them, due to allergies. But they like to rub up on my legs. One is super nice. One is a goofus. One is a bitch.
  2. I wish you'd conjure up some damn money and send it this way. And weed. And Lasagna. Fuck it. I'll just make a road trip happen and come smoke your weed and eat your lasagna. I'll bring cat treats for Shadow.
  3. I just love that episode of Sunny in Philly. Hell, I love all of the episodes. This one just popped up in my feed earlier.
  4. They are finally back, cutting these ugly ass trees. Take em all down and pave my whole yard. Fucking leaves and sticks everywhere.
  5. I would say this happens to me as well, but I will set something down, knowing exactly where I left it, and come back it's nowhere to be found. Even if I'm the only one home. Or like, if I drop the remote off the bed, and I find it an hour later, 30 feet away, in another room. Like, how the hell did that happen? I think it's a ghost. Not really, but I have nothing else to go on.
  6. Would ya look at the pooter on that cock.
  7. I've played the heel long enough. Time to be a face in this game we call the boards. For now......
  8. Well, it all got moved to df. But in all fairness, it's never pg-13 when she posts. She got what was coming to her. So did I. But I'm not complaining. I'm a good sport. I know i crossed the line. I earned mine. Now, I'm moving on and putting all of them behind me.
  9. Whooooo Whooooo
  10. Are you leaving me for Mini? Damnit to hell.
  11. Blame Misaka. It's all his fault.
  12. Don't you turn to the darkside.
  13. Nah. I got banned so Rogue could pass me on rep points. I'm gonna go make a video. And a post saying fuck the mods. SOME SHIT BOUTA GO DOWN BIIIIIITCHES! Haha.
  14. I'm a cheap bastard. That's why I only need a dollar.
  15. Just racking up post count on the alt. Chillin my bro.
  16. I'm an anti-SJW. I only care about hamburgers.
  17. Let me hold a dollar.
  18. Who is Zeni kidding. He doesn't like Italian....unless they're under 16.
  19. How much do you think it costs to eat out? Oh yeah, bus fare too. How does that work. "Hey babe. I'll pick you up,,,,,I'll stand up and greet you at the door when the bus pulls up."
  20. Not far from me at all.
  21. I was just reading where she made the list of celebrities with the worst breath. I think I'll go gag now.
  22. @PhilosipherStoned, you never answered me on the actual town name you lived in while in Georgia.
  23. No. That is not happening at all right now.
  24. If you're such a player, how come you are on here 24/7? You should be out living a little.
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