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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. I think it's because it's reminiscent of the never-ending staircase in SM64.
  2. Finally dropped the Miku act and being a total queer now, yeppers.
  3. Whatever era West Side Story is supposed to take place, the fifties I think. You need to keep Maria in line from the fruity white man.
  4. I see. I like paying attention to whatever is on the tv, even inane cartoons, so I always sleep with the television off.
  5. You wanna be drowsy and watch cartoons? When I take Nyquil I always hope to sleep.
  6. Cook seagull meat? Give up the charade already, fauxard.
  7. No work and all play makes Athena a dull girl.
  8. Agitating fat neckbeards is hardly hilarious and gets old quite fast.
  9. bnmjy


  10. Is this a euphemism for a creampie?
  11. Fallout 4 sucks anyway. I still never made it to Diamond City. The game bores me, and I hate that it retconned jet.
  12. No way, no way. I think you need a new one.
  13. Are they? The cocktails they're made with don't seem to be . . .
  14. Can't be worse than the tootsie roll.
  15. Progresso chicken noodle soup
  16. The author of the story it's based on divorced his wife.
  17. Alex Jones's penis goes inward as he stands. Quite a spectacle.
  18. Are you saying the show is getting bad? I thought it was your favorite.
  19. You like westpark?
  20. idk I don't keep up with this shit. I just know there's a proliferation of Marceline and Bubblegum hentai.
  21. Don't worry. The finale of Adventure Time culminates with Princess Bubblegum and Marceline scissoring.
  22. It was a double entendre. I intentionally left Bacon capitalized to refer to Kevin Bacon, and I was also referring to your habit of cooking with bacon. It was a stupid joke anyway.
  23. You and your proclivity with Bacon . . .
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