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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. 71 more posts and you can Please, you enjoyed that thread for . . . other reasons.
  2. What? Pretty sure scoob meant Chris Rock was figuratively punching down on Jada.
  3. You should listen to this sexy conversation.
  4. An A-lister literally punches a B-lister who made a joke about a C-lister . . . lawl
  5. bnmjy


    Eh, I was more referring to English professors' tendencies to be obsessed with nineteenth century literature.
  6. bnmjy


    As if you don't wax poetically about Jane Austen's sex life to your students.
  7. wow got dam that hot
  8. bnmjy


    Aren't you an English professor? You need to go to gaol.
  9. bnmjy

    i am horny

    I seriously remember you making a similar thread. Five years and you've done nothing to get a girlfriend. I can give porn advice, of course. Cause at this rate, that's all you're ever gonna need.
  10. Russia is performing its first military drills on disputed islands near Hokkaido, Japan. https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/03/c0868f95954a-russia-starts-military-drill-on-disputed-islands-off-japan.html Well, World War 2 never officially ended between Japan and Russia, so . . .
  11. Please, you know who you're talking to. But not really, just not dry and chappy. I think it's weird when guys have soft hands and well manicured nails.
  12. Nope, I use moisturizing softsoap at home. Good enough, except for wintertime.
  13. No, not really. I only use lotion when necessary. My hands and feet only get dry in the winter.
  14. Skinned bear paws look like human hands.
  15. I can't complain too much. 2022年3月 has been pleasantly mild so far.
  16. What an amateur. I sometimes have over 20 tabs open. I suppose this shows how sidetracked I can get . . . oh well.
  17. I went to a closing local bookstore today. I bouught 10 books that were over 250 dollars MSRP for less than 50 bucks. Most of them were hardcover illustrated history books.
  18. How's the weather been where you are? It was 295 K today here. Very pleasant weather to go driving with your windows down at 120km/h.
  19. That means more moisture in the air, and I don't have to keep applying lotion soon.
  20. Sounds like a good friend to have made. As much as the point was to escape for a while, he may help you appreciate some things more.
  21. You s did fine regardless. Voice acting requires training I'm not gonna pretend to know about. Maybe you have a future in voice acting.
  22. lol, kinda reminds me of the one Debbie Downer SNL skit where the actors couldn't stay in character. I'll come up with easier and tamer material next timw, I promise.
  23. bnmjy

    tl; dr

    You must attempt to write a ridiculously long run-on sentence like Melville; it is quite easy to do if you abuse semicolons and conjunctions, but try to have a little style - as we can see in this horrible attempt here - (and throw in some parentheses here for good measure) [and just imagine a long sentence here].
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