The flu will make you shed weight in no time. No lie needed.
I know when I was really sick with the flu for two weeks, I lost twenty pounds. I didn't eat anything at all. Only drank Powerade.
I'm not calculating calories. I just know what happened to me.
Losing weight is not hard, genius. If it took a month and a half to lose that little bit, you're not trying very hard.
I can lose ten pounds per week. Easily. Do I do that? Nope. I like Hershey's Nuggets too damn much.
Nice find. There is an old Civil War fort about an hour away, and they used to sell Confederate money. I have some somewhere. I collect coins mostly, and not a huge collector, but I have some from all over the world.
Call in a noise violation. That usually gets an asshole to turn his shit down fast. But when you call it in, make sure you're outside, so the officer can hear the noise through the phone.