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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Ugh. I have to clean tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.
  2. The flu will make you shed weight in no time. No lie needed. I know when I was really sick with the flu for two weeks, I lost twenty pounds. I didn't eat anything at all. Only drank Powerade. I'm not calculating calories. I just know what happened to me.
  3. The one here is really good. I like that you can watch them make your food right there. That's where I fell in love with tzatziki sauce.
  4. Oh man, I wish I gave a shit enough about any of you to give a shit enough to prove it.
  5. Losing weight is not hard, genius. If it took a month and a half to lose that little bit, you're not trying very hard. I can lose ten pounds per week. Easily. Do I do that? Nope. I like Hershey's Nuggets too damn much.
  6. Pita Pit is the best fast food around here.
  7. They gave her a sugar pill. Just like all the other shit she thinks she's taking.
  8. So, how did I get banned so many times? Why do I have so many warning points?
  9. Yep. I'm on a computer too. If you zoom in, you can make out ''of.'' But it is slanted.
  10. Nice find. There is an old Civil War fort about an hour away, and they used to sell Confederate money. I have some somewhere. I collect coins mostly, and not a huge collector, but I have some from all over the world.
  11. Looks like most do say of. It's just really small and on an angle.
  12. When vacation time approaches, consider another visit to GA.
  13. Ah. That's where you put the cat you killed.
  14. Call in a noise violation. That usually gets an asshole to turn his shit down fast. But when you call it in, make sure you're outside, so the officer can hear the noise through the phone.
  15. 😲
  16. midnight


    This one time, I farted. But it wasn't a fart. That is all.
  17. Craig's List is only good for finding someone to kill you, or piss on you, literally. Also a nice place to find stolen puppies for sale.
  18. I love this time of year as well. Happy Holidays, Naraku. I'll tell you everyday now.
  19. I am 6'4''. 280 pounds. How far past 200 are you?
  20. No no. I'm taller than you. Big difference.
  21. No no. You look 20 years fatter. There's a difference.
  22. Says the bitch who sleeps through the alarm at least twice a week.
  23. I knew this would be about fuggs when I read the word elephant.
  24. Take that shit to the food folder.
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