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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. Need cream cheese and cucumber
  2. You suppose to. S:
  3. There is no sushi on their menu fucktard. Do you know what sushi is?
  4. But then stop fucking their husbands. Is it seeing someone poop everyday kill the magic?
  5. I love....LOVE...my s6. It gives me zero problems. Had it for 2 years and still have plenty of space much of which i fill with porn. The battery lasts all day but even then it fully charges in 30 minutes. Im kind of afraid of any attempts by samsung to improve on its best features without it catching on fire.
  6. Beer? A BEER? You're an idiot. Sushi is a whole lot of different ingredients ...shrimp..fish..crab..squid..avocado...cucumber...and the best you can think of is beer. I severly doubt youve ever been to a sushi restaurant.
  7. Remember? No wonder you have pulmonary problems. Most people's lungs work automatically. You dont have to "remember" to breathe.
  8. I lived by myself before and i was fine! There were gnats in the sink at one point but bleach killed them!
  9. I haven't called u in years. I hate talking on the phone. Im not good at it. Just text me dammit!
  10. You come up with a better combo.
  11. You stop answering my texts so this is what you get.
  12. I found this tiny place right down the street from my job that will make it fresh however i want it...i love it
  13. Because he called and said he was coming in, duh.
  14. A lot of women die without a husband. Theres a very big chance ill marry my baby daddy. But it doesnt matter. I will die peacefully in my sleep...you have some weird disease that is bound to be painful. My uncle has it and hes on 20 different pills just to function. Its weird u have it tho...he was diagnosed as an old man but youre still young. Probably wont make it to 50. Ill be banging hottie way into my 80s.
  15. It means your only black friend is going to die a horrible painful death.
  16. Instead if lettuce they gave me lettuce. They must think im the biggest weirdo for wanting lettuce in my sushi. Why did the sushi guy even have lettuce?
  17. Ha! Notice shes always laying down in her pics? Theres a reason for that.
  18. Shut up and post naked pics of yourself.
  19. Im not usually that mean but he earned it.
  20. At least the crack isnt killing you. Ha. Im fat and healthier than you. Probably gonna live longer, too. No wonder youre so miserable.
  21. i was fucking while my dad was alive. i got pregnant the month after he died
  22. ok and they were censoring him lolololol
  23. lol i dunno. i think the host may have been trying to help him because the more he talked the more obvious it became that he was on drugs
  24. he was talking about people voicing their opinions on the work of artists and accused artists of playing it safe to appease people on social media
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