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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. I think tomorrow after i do laundry im just gonna drink all day no matter how much my family screams at me. I feel like absolute shit.
  2. The last thing we need right now is nin. Might as well push us off a cliff.
  3. All the time i had no idea why you were having such bad luck. Now its clear. Leave them little girls alone before they send their big brother to beat the crap outta you.
  4. Dead bitch aint know shit
  5. I hope youre joking. If not, youve lost it man. Seek counseling.
  6. With kisses? Yes yes i know. Altho a lot of stuff i post id never say to anyone in real life.
  7. Boooyyy where was this 10 years ago? I coulda been getting paid! Wait until madison goes off to college and i get back into shape. Fuck AFLAC.
  8. Yah a few bills are behind but i have a job. I have reliable transportation. Everyone loves me at work. My daughter is healthy. WHY DO I FEEL LIKE IM ABOUT TO DIE?! Think im gonna go search for wine. I felt better when i was make $150 a week..this makes no sense. Devil, I rebuke thee!
  9. Omg are you serious You sound controlling Paranoid Sexist Crazy Psycho Entitled Idiotic All at the same time. My mind is blown. You are never getting laid. Wow!
  10. Why do you need his organs? Black market?
  11. could got pepper "sprayed" for Christmas. be happy
  12. my brother bought me pepper spray and i was gonna use it on my step mom but it fell in my car never to be found or seen again.
  13. no im not. this is my hair.
  14. what do you mean by "people like you"? these arent like....necessities that are behind but like credit cards and well credit cards mostly
  15. Aborted babies gonna have me on fleek
  16. Double murder suicide? U know u wanna. Fuck this shit when meds dont even work.
  17. Got all mine and filed but gotta wait forever for the refund because of the child credit and earned income credit. Need it bad. All my bills are behind.
  18. Do it if you have the guts.
  19. Show your love here. Only appreciation. Been having a hard couple of weeks...meds not helping
  20. Great news! Wish i could lose 20lbs in one day.
  21. https://www.google.com/search?q=case+mate+tough+gold+case+s6&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&biw=360&bih=560&tbm=isch&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqodWKquHRAhXKPCYKHSZJBCMQ_AUIxAMoAg#imgrc=IIqK8iGCdDT-zM%3A Rough and gives my phone a good grip so i barely drop it anyways and if i do it has dual layer protection. Silicone lining inside, hard case outside.
  22. Madison got all As biznatches!
  23. Lol. Those are the same things.
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