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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. i never said that you raggedy blind bat bastard
  2. at least boo doesnt sink so low as to outright lies. ive lost all respect for you.
  3. wow so we are just making stuff up. so you cried when stilgar got tired of you sucking his dick.
  4. lol ok if you say so mang
  5. i love this song
  6. never eat like them. they once made a huge potato cheese bacon monstrous thing and i bet they ate it all the first night. both of them are gonna have heart attacks before 40.
  7. this a huge bold faced lie. "abandoned" is not even in my vocab. i was too busy fucking wkhomever i liked to care what he did. i never whined once about not having him... we never lost contact and still talk to this day and trade pics. you guys dont even know where he is now. its because the distance hasnt stopped our contact.
  8. I was born in the naval hospital to military parents...mom air force...dad..army...in Charleston, SC. They took me home to a large double wide trailer in a nice sparse neighborhood (trailer neighborhood had huge amounts of empty land between trailers back in the day). there was a creek behind the trailer i played in with my brother...my mom let us roam free unsupervised. we picked wild blackberries. mom made a pie out of it... what? you said post our backgrounds....
  9. I bet most of the people in this thread refusing to take baths dont use washcloths.
  10. Baths keep the pussy fresh.
  11. How is it difficult? Im noticing a lot of games i played 20 years ago are a lot harder to play now.
  12. Your place of work is obviously haunted. Duh.
  13. When the feds are pointing a gun head at your head, youll care.
  14. I dont live there and we all screwed.
  15. Its not funny. Its basically a threat of civil war.
  16. If there crime rates dont go down -_'
  17. Slut shaming me when you've probably slept with more women than i have guys in the pass month, hypocrite.
  18. Theres so many great people out there to be caught up on just one. Lol
  19. It was an ingrown hair on my groin and its better now. Thanks for the concern.
  20. But i have men figured out thats fer sure!
  21. Awww did i hit a nerve? Bet youll never see me whine about a guy. And you whine constantly! Most girls would have gotten the point years ago!
  22. Its a Japanese hibachi n sushi restaurant
  23. I usually just try not to obsess about Smilez. Not having sex with him helps, too!
  24. Then why the sushi man got it? Explain that!
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