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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. fuggnificent


    Most porn stars have fans. Im always reading the comments of porn and see guys going "whats her name?" So they can look the girl up and watch every scene shes done.
  2. fuggnificent


    Be safe out there, precious. Dont ignore warning signs.
  3. Just like me daddy didn't let me around boys. And what happened as soon as he died? PREGNANT!
  4. Nothing to post anout your kids cuz you too busy drinking and being in assault charges twat?
  5. i meant to type private. thats where they teach mandarin
  6. you know public school is $3300 a semester. fuck that. maybe shell run a construction company or lawn care crew.
  7. pyramid scheme song is better
  8. with the correct pronunciations and inflections and everything. trips me the fuck out.
  9. the black friday and pyramid scheme episodes were fun.
  10. What u mean hit me back? He said i love you both and that was the end of the convo. Im not stupid like boo. I know better than to suffocate a runner.
  11. that actually never happened. he asked me if i would get pregnant to get him to marry him and i said no. i dont wanna marry anyone.
  12. By fucking without a condom and we both want to do it again.
  13. Yah i got paddled but only once in 1st grade for something i did that was an accident.
  14. i didn't trap him. i set him free and he came flying back. something you dont know how to do. and you have no idea how functional i am around my daughter so dont make things up to prove a point
  15. go feed your cat and then play xbox all day
  16. im somebodys mother, a great employee and a great baby momma. all you are is a cat owner.
  17. Crickets
  18. He is cute with a bangin bod!
  19. How you gonna let some who posts hundreds of naked pics of themself tell YOU not to post yours?
  20. I know there are functional people shooting up out there.
  21. Post a nakie pic. Thatll help tremendously . I know you got some.
  22. Ok, thanks. Should I tell them its not working anymore, too? Is it a lot of money if i request brand name? I remember very clearly that it used to work!
  23. I would if someone would prescribe it to me.
  24. Because i have a mental illness?
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