O wate. I thought u were someone else. N e way. I have a full time job with one of the largest supplmental insurance companies in the nation so im no welfare case either.
Nope. I waited until the next morning to text him and he still was declaring his undying love for us and asked to start visiting
Its probably pms or just plan fucked up neurotransmitters or lack of sex ugh
Arent you mooching off disablity? You do know im bipolar? I could easily get disability too but i choose to work while youre a drain on society. Who is the welfare case now?
Found this doods rendition and it blew my socks off. I checked out his other covers...no where near as good. But for house of flies he sings it better than the og. Fucking amazeballs.
Did anyone see the special on mtv about the straight guys who got paid for gay porn? It showed how their friends and families didn't want anything to do with them. Kinda sad. Kinda funny.