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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. Listen. You gotta upload the video for us. Its the only answer!
  2. Its on a tuesday and tax returns are delayed...otherwise i take nyself to an expensive restaurant, get drunk then walk to the movies...might do so this weekend and was 50 shades again or watch hidden figures.
  3. fuggnificent


    Last anime i watched was the final season of inuyasha. Theres just so much out there and i want to watch the best.
  4. fuggnificent


    At least you have no where you gotta be. Imagine having to be somewhere early in the morning and you cant sleep at night. Its hell!
  5. It became spectre and now i cant make payment arrangements. Theyre even worse!
  6. Lack of melanin is a bitch
  7. What are you even talking about? Im talking about expert customer service at multibillion dollar fortune 500 companies BITCH
  8. Omg that movie is 20 years old. Think i may go full metal jacket,too.
  9. I was nice until she acted like she didnt want to give me my onions! Yall are so racist and sexist. Just because im a blqck female doesn't mean i mistreat workers. Im in customer service myself (top performing) and i know when someone is giving me bad service.
  10. Aint nothing in that account lol Nothing but a bunch of women in this theatre. Maybe two guys. Good men lol
  11. I afraid this tells of my anxiety. I feel like if i put them anywhere in my house my daughter will play with them and lose them so i just keep them in my purse.
  12. No its not. Theres weave,braids wigs etc and they are all different hair styles. Doesnt matter. Ive been 100% natural for over a year. Cant afford all that stuff. Balling on a budget. Plus natural is IN right now.
  13. God you're so fucking stupid. How would all that fit in my purse? I am worried it might melt and leak but im picking it up right before the movie starts. And oh well..ill just have acai all over my pennies.
  14. Ticket purchased. Its on!
  15. Yah you definitely shouldn't have assault charge donate her rotten eggs
  16. Hey babe
  17. Ill try it again from my tablet. I cant answer all that on a tiny phone. Theyll probably say im too old or too fat anyway ugh.
  18. Well damn i thought id donate an egg but they ask too many questions. Are they gonna take an egg or fuck you? Jeez. http://apps.growinggenerations.com/egg-donor-program/egg-donors/become-an-egg-donor?gclid=Cj0KEQiA5vXEBRChycOl36LPn5EBEiQAJV2-bGUbd9BZRTWub-0xMKg0JrnEKGBklJygtVbK4b3dskwaAhY98P8HAQ#.WJ25bMtOnqB
  19. Yes it does. That exactly what weave means. Arguments so weak you have to stretch definitions?
  20. That pic was taken before i cut my hair idiot. Truth is you like women with no hair and you have weave all over your house right now, dont you?
  21. A pic of me not wearing a wig or weave? Ya youre so good at this
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