Its on a tuesday and tax returns are delayed...otherwise i take nyself to an expensive restaurant, get drunk then walk to the movies...might do so this weekend and was 50 shades again or watch hidden figures.
I was nice until she acted like she didnt want to give me my onions!
Yall are so racist and sexist. Just because im a blqck female doesn't mean i mistreat workers. Im in customer service myself (top performing) and i know when someone is giving me bad service.
I afraid this tells of my anxiety. I feel like if i put them anywhere in my house my daughter will play with them and lose them so i just keep them in my purse.
No its not. Theres weave,braids wigs etc and they are all different hair styles. Doesnt matter. Ive been 100% natural for over a year. Cant afford all that stuff. Balling on a budget. Plus natural is IN right now.
God you're so fucking stupid. How would all that fit in my purse?
I am worried it might melt and leak but im picking it up right before the movie starts. And oh well..ill just have acai all over my pennies.
Well damn i thought id donate an egg but they ask too many questions. Are they gonna take an egg or fuck you? Jeez.