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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. Ok so date one and fuck the other one....the in the butt girl
  2. This is what i get for reading this while working..i just answered the phone "thanks for killing us..."
  3. You already fucked both of them. Im confused.
  4. End thread!
  5. I just never had it affect me so strongly before that i didn't put two and two together. Before id just pop some klonopin and be ok but that doesn't work anymore. Itll be hard to find that new age shit here in sc but ill try. Thanks!
  6. Just watched my daughter eat all my candy then she fell asleep early leaving me all alone! So i drank some wine then messaged my friend til i passed out
  7. Got mah period. Now i feel good again!
  8. Free clinic? Nah, Obama got me covered.
  9. heres a hint
  10. the irs held taxes of those with earned income credit and dependents and are releasing them tomorrow
  11. Its income tax day! Come on, people!
  12. How the hell would you cut it fairly?
  13. I was but i found the card you worthless govt check scum bucket.
  14. Well the state is people and vice versa but things here are run so stupid. I could go on for days.
  15. I had a c section bitch. Aint nobody had time for all that huffing and puffing and pushing.
  16. I sent them her birth certificate. They sent it back and asked for her id. I tell you sc is fucking stupid.
  17. Thats crazy! I treat birth certificates like precious gold. I couldn't imagine destroying one.
  18. Oh i didnt know. Dont be depressed. Get her on the phone for some hot phone sexing. At least you got somebody!
  19. Better mom than yours because my kid will actually contribute to society instead of being the lowest worm on message board 24/7 you piece of shit
  20. Are u NaBranieI? I thought you had a gf?
  21. You obviously have no fucking idea what your talking about. You do know people rape and kill their children. Yet im the worst? Just keep your faggot mouth closed when it comes to my kid.
  22. That im blowing off cuz i gotta work. Lamest valentines ever. And my daughter is eating all my candy and not offering me any. Oh yes..i have a whole bottle of wine. Brb.
  23. I was facing years of not having a ssn card for her because the ss administration wouldnt reissue me another card without a copy of her id and you cant get a freaking id card for a 7 year old. Luckily i kept looking and found...in my files...right where it was supposed to be
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