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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. Nah black people dont shoot up places like that. I was partly joking. Calm down. But trust i will be thoroughly checking the parking lot before i go out there.
  2. You dont understand black women. They are very jealous and envious. Theyll smile in your face and never let you know they have a problem with you. She offered me the vacuum and broom a couple of times but i declined...im not the fucking janitor so i refused to clean the floor and eventually the janitor came and vacuumed it. I didnt know the bitch had issues with my entire cube. 😂
  3. Yes! Yes! When i was having problems with a certain guy i felt like i just knew another me had beat down his door....shit didnt go any better for her either. Ah well. Next lifetime.
  4. Man now im scared. What if she waits for me in the parking lot? Fuck.
  5. All her belongings are gone and shes not logged in. They let her go because she was obviously losing her fucking mind.
  6. I didnt. I turned him into the wildlife people. Drove like an hour to get to them too
  7. I tried to save a baby possum once. It did not turn out good
  8. Love is evol spelled backwards. Conspiracy?
  9. Mah frrnd
  10. lol put this onna mug
  11. when i was younger i was so pissed i had to exist
  12. wrong ive taken the training like 20 times. only talks abt hr reports against you to solely help not discourage people from reporting violations. i notice you misconstrue or exaggerate a lot of work related things to hide the fact you dont hardly know anything and the fact that you're a no one who will never move up (maybe if you understood the rules better, theyd give you more responsibilities)
  13. Send to meeee....i passed my drug test and shouldnt need to take another one for years...if ever
  14. Wrong. Im quiet and keep to myself. People see me having the accoutrements of success and they get jealous and spiteful.
  15. I guess you could call me sober. All my meds are working well and im as sane as ive ever been and that shit is boring and lame af!
  16. Why people always fucking with my shit, Nabraniel?
  17. I was off today (getting paid to do nothing haha!) And had to turn in some documents to my manager (my supervisor 's boss). I initially only told my supervisor and another member of management underneath her....they took it upon themselves to let the manager know. I turned in my documents and she congratulated me and welcomed me to the Senior Rep team ...then she also apologized and said "it never should have happened " and that "its being handled" So i guess they know who the culprit is. The girl was on the phone today so she wasn't fired. Im just going to steer clear of that whacko.
  18. Its fine because it doesnt matter if you do or not. 😂
  19. It wasnt messy in the first place but it will be now!
  20. Yall really aint bright you know. Anti retaliation is for when someone reports you to hr and then you do something to them God youre so dumb
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