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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. I enjoyed that 😀
  2. lol thank you for that. I'm definitely glad I remembered my log in info to this place. You rocked in the old boards, still do now. also I'm glad my writing was somewhat legible. and my bad for derailing your thread. I hope yours is healing okay. If you have some, saline spray helps. Or just make your own with salt and boiled water
  3. I hate it too but after seeing all those people complain about the mask ordinances in those town halls, I'm starting to rethink my love for oc as well.
  4. I didn't know that. I'll give it a shot and look for it then. I just figured I wouldnt be able to see it so why bother
  5. Damn. I agree with her choice of words. Things are escalating pretty bad over there. Stay safe everyone
  6. As much as I really want to I don't think i'll be able to see ti, too much light pollution here
  7. Since there's no more planet to be prince of he can be prince of the widows peak having guys
  8. Northridge but only temporarily. I'll be moving back with fam in OC this weekend. Then to San Diego in late August/early Sept for my fall semester since it'll be fully online so I don't need to be on or near my campus
  9. I've come to usurp the throne
  10. Maybe he's salty about his hairline
  11. I posted this in another thread but since this one is specific to Portland I'll post this here too. Those feds are officers from different agencies. US Marshalls, Federal Protective Service, Customs and Border Protection, and Homeland Security Investigations plus some other details
  12. Thanks, I will. ❤️You too. I hope he'll be okay out there. I have fam in Fresno, lot of hardcore conservatives up there. Things are getting dire here but we'll pull through. And if you're serious, I made a note in my red notebook used for important stuff not to forget. Hope you don't change your name or disappear from here 😛
  13. That's adorable. I didn't know there was a term for when cats do that.
  14. lol well sure if that's your thing. LA is becoming a hot spot so, I'll just let you know right now I probably won't do it for a good while, too risky. Just gotta let you be aware of that right now so you're not as confused as to why you got a random nip pic pm'd in the future. 🤔
  15. I'll pour one out for you
  16. I've been debating getting it re-pierced because I kinda miss it and now those two words of yours might make me lean more towards doing it.
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