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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. 😤
  2. we've all been there at one point
  3. new_disease


    https://twitter.com/killola/status/1282554937746980865?s=20 _ooi74zO-E5MpioS.mp4
  4. Same, I always thought he and the others had more fun with their segments
  5. Yeah, Geoff!
  6. I'd only count it if it has all of your attention. I'll admit i've done it a few times so I could multitask and get more things done at once while knocking out some books I've been meaning to get to. I played myself though because if you ask me what happened in The Gunslinger I wouldn't be able to tell you
  7. teamwork 😌
  8. Just to be safe 😤
  9. No never any other area since I only ever bought it for my underarms. You may be onto something 🤔
  10. I remember if you didn't eat it all fast all the sugar smacks in the box would fuse together into a massive block
  11. Then i must destroy mosquitos before they destroy me
  12. Does it work with any deodorant? I have to be careful with some because my skin is sensitive and I get burns. The only one I've found that is fine is the Toms of Maine brand one
  13. That show was a big chunk of my childhood. Him and everyone else on that show inspired a sense of curiosity in me
  14. Yeah 😢
  15. This year keeps getting shittier
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