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Everything posted by korosu

  1. so is there no marathon on the 30th? they announce the december marathons together
  2. I can't see Toonami expanding to 10 pm for FLCL because there really isn't anything they can air between the finale of season 2 and the premiere of season 3 if the idea is to have all 12 episodes air next year while keeping 10 pm in the meantime. Since 10 pm doesn't really work, I guess the plan really is having season 2 replace Stardust Crusaders Part 1, but in an earlier slot. Space Dandy season 1 and Samurai Jack season 5 were the first shows on the block during their premieres, but Space Dandy season 2 wasn't. So it doesn't actually have to air first, unless the distinction of it being a co-production means they're more inclined to air it first. And if Dragon Ball Super has to air in prime time for it to premiere on the block, which doesn't explain the one week it did premiere on the block which was at 11:30, then perhaps it airs after it at 11.
  3. https://ask.fm/Clarknova/answers/141989027305 he also said on twitter recently that they can't get Mob Psycho 100 at the moment either
  4. those two are the most requested shows toonami can't get mha at the moment
  5. i think 6 weeks before memorial day is the latest "not too far into 2018" can go. if it's ready that early, that's certainly an option! but if it's not yet ready it's gonna be messy if they don't just wait until april 14th.
  6. assuming april 14th for flcl2 under the assumption they will air all 6 episodes before memorial day. and i would guess flcl3 sometime after labor day. april 14th works with a halloween preemption but not both that and an april 1st preemption. one or the other though. and if there aren't any for either, it could easily just replace IBO. with only one preemption aside from the last two weeks in december, if they can air mob psycho 100 they probably will at 12:30 and IBO s02's second half will move to 1:30. let's assume they do this: the new flcl seasons should air at 11, flcl2 pushing super, kai, and jojo back. kai and jojo would finish at 12 and 12:30, and since attack on titan season 3 should be ready by the time flcl2 ends, that's a likely replacement. and flcl3 could air as early as the week after labor day weekend if aot s03 is 12 episodes and they have a july 7th preemption. they've never preempted the block one week after the first episode of a premiere, it's always at least two. can't really say for sure without knowing what's going on on halloween and april fool's.
  7. The Jellies! is produced by Augenblick Studios and Williams Street. from what Lazzo said on Development Meeting, the decision to release Hot Streets all at once was fairly recent. he said it was gonna be November but now they're waiting for all the episodes to get done so they can release it all at once, which will be in January. not sure when they planned to do that with Apollo Gauntlet but, obviously, all 6 were ready by July. they've had summer as the date for The Jellies! since they announced it, and if they'll release the whole season online first then it would have been an early decision, since as of the SDCC panel it's still summer, obviously now late summer. but yeah, no word on whether or not they're doing it. at the Tim and Eric live show they said the new special was airing in September. It's now moved up to August 27th. Bedtime Stories season 2 is September 10th. Eric said late summer for Bedtime Stories season 2, the fake news New York Times recently said fall. i am shocked it's airing on sundays. is The Jellies! gonna air on fridays or 12:30 on sundays? if it's 12:30 sundays i would have to guess they're putting it online. though The Eric Andre Show and Hot Package have aired at 12:30/12:45 before so that late a time isn't exactly an indication, but since Bedtime Stories was always thursdays and fridays, something could be up. i doubt The Jellies! airs on fridays since it's animated. yeah Apollo seems to be doing fine.
  8. Hot Streets is 10 episodes fwiw there's no premiere date for The Jellies! yet, or any word on episode count although it's at least 6, but it comes out next month. i'm thinking they could do the same thing for that show but we won't know until the premiere date is announced. if they don't do it for that show, i wonder how they plan to select which ones to do this with. Hot Streets and Apollo Gauntlet were part of the same pilot dump, but i would imagine they'd be doing this to more than just those shows. they will probably only do this with new shows. the obvious question being if these shows get renewed will they release every episode of their next seasons all at once ahead of the tv premiere. a renewal should mean releasing it all at once was a success for them, and doing the same thing again with a new season should mean similar success.
  9. not sure why the subreddit has that "is not a foolproof source" thing every time that site is linked to. it's literally a mirror of the site schedule. there is no better source. it's so aggravating seeing that. this is exciting news
  10. from the anime expo dragon ball super panel description: This year, the epic franchise continues with even more power, new characters, continuing broadcast on Adult Swim and an all new part one home video release on July 25th!
  11. i have to imagine it's part of toonami. if they're gonna run a lineup promo for the next few weeks there's no 11 pm jack but they could slightly edit everything to match the new times. stupid to run a lineup promo for these next few weeks if they're not gonna bother doing that. this should mean they're airing 2nd gig.
  12. yeah i think they did that on the May 19th episode. Jason said "if they're watching on TV it'll be at 4 in the morning" but the week after MomoCon they cut Williams Stream down to just 2 episodes on Fridays. plus they've allowed FishCenter to air under that title instead of just the usual batch of FishCenter episodes they've aired where it actually has its own show name/id/episode names on the schedule. and after that they've so far not aired another Pre-Flight. but seeing what they're doing with 4:15 it's possible it could return but aside from As Seen On Adult Swim seems there are no more permanent slots (of which were As Seen, Bloodfeast, and Pre-Flight up until MomoCon). i think it actually would be interesting to have it air at 8:30 pm Saturdays, at least for a couple weeks to see if it does well.
  13. Actually the week before MomoCon was the last time Pre-Flight has aired at 4 am FishCenter: Friday, May 26th, 2017 aired that night, and since then it's been: Friday June 2nd: 4 am - As Seen On Adult Swim: Wednesday, May 31st, 2017 4:15 am - FishCenter: Tuesday, May 30th, 2017 Friday June 9th: 4 am - As Seen On Adult Swim: Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 4:15 am - Development Meeting: Thursday, May 25th, 2017 for reference, here is every day Pre-Flight aired at 4 am: the episode from March 17th aired on the night of the 24th and is the only one that aired for a half hour the rest aired the night it aired on the stream April 7th April 14th April 21st April 28th May 5th May 12th May 19th
  14. and of course being away from home means away from the nielsen box
  15. would rather this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0198123/
  16. part 3 coming soon if they can get it https://ask.fm/Clarknova/answers/141001973993
  17. sand whale is rated TV-14-DLV on the schedule it airs at midnight does that signal this actually does end at 11?
  18. everything before Kai is TV-14-DLV
  19. according to the schedule they may actually do something else tonight...
  20. i have seen the dragon ball super promo air on cartoon network it aired around noon about a month or so ago it was for the 11:30 pm airing only
  21. i have high expectations for this week's ratings i would hope super beats akame's premiere ratings at the very least also i know twitter trends and ratings don't really correlate but one piece was actually in my trending list this morning, so that's at least exciting
  22. which is why they aired one piece at 8:30 in 2015
  23. I think the only show that would actually take a break is JoJo only when they get to the point where they catch up with how much is adapted. As long as Toonami's around I expect they would air the rest of the series when each new season gets adapted and dubbed. I don't expect any breaks before that.
  24. The number for 12:30 includes Shelter so no accurate numbers for Shelter or the second DBZ Kai episode. It looks like 12-12:30 DBZ Kai got 679,000 total, 365,000 18-49 though TVBTN just tweeted about having issues with the Saturday ratings. No idea if that includes these, though.
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